Question : Recognition of Yogasana as a Competitive Sport

(a) whether the Government has formally recognized Yogasana as a competitive sport and if so, the details thereof and the aims and objective behind the move;
(b) whether Yogasana is to be inducted with Khelo India Games programme and if so, the number of categories in which Yogasana will be conducted therein;
(c) whether the Government also proposes to have National Individual Yogasana Sports Championship to be held at District, State, National and world level and if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the other steps taken by the Government to develop Yogasana as sports discipline in National and International Sports Events?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Government, after deliberations at length and taking into account the relevant factors including developing Yogasana as a competitive sport, has recognised the National Yogasana Sports Federation (NYSF) as a National Sports Federation for promotion and development of Yogasana as a competitive sport in the country.

(b) Yogasana sport for both male and female categorieshas been includedinKhelo India Youth Games, 2021.

(c) & (d) The Government recognition makes NYSF eligible for financial assistance for conduct of national championships in all the categories, viz. Senior, Junior and Sub-junior and participation in international sporting events. Upon Government recognition, it is incumbent on the NYSF, being primarily responsible for promotion and development of Yogasana, to hold Annual Championships and ensure participation of Indian sportspersons and teams in international sports events of Yogasana.


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