Question : Import of Palm Oil

(a) whether India is taking any concrete action pertaining to palm oil imports from Malaysia in response to the statement by that country’s Prime Minister; and
(b) whether the Government will curtail imports of refined palm oil in India in line with the ‘Make In India’ programme?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Import of edible oil is under Open General License. Import of palm oil happens mainly from ASEAN countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia under the Free Trade Agreements. Following surge in imports and threat of serious material injury to domestic industry, Government has increased Customs Duty by 5% on imports of refined bleached deodorized palmolein and palm oil into India from Malaysia for a period of 180 days w.e.f. 4th September, 2019 based on the preliminary findings of Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) under India-Malaysia CECA (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017. On similar lines, Government will use all available instruments in the National interest, as and when necessary.

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