(a) whether there is a fall in the production of wheat, paddy and sugarcane in the country during the last three years and in the current year;

(b) if so, the reasons therefor along with the details of remedial steps taken by the Government;

(c) the details of paddy, sugarcane and wheat produced during the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(d) the support price of wheat fixed by the Government?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a): The estimated production of wheat, paddy and sugarcane in the country during the years 1999-2000 to 2002-03 is given in the table below:-

(Million tones)
Crop 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03#
Wheat 76.37 69.68 71.81 68.89 Paddy## 134.50 131.61 139.74 116.59 Sugarcane 299.32 295.96 300.10 285.36 # Second Advance Estimates as on 10.2.2003 ## Rice production is normally estimated as two-third of paddy production.

It may be seen from this table that while the production of wheat, paddy and sugarcane had declined during 2000-01, it increased in 2001-02. During the current year, the production of all the three crops is expected to be lower as compared to the previous year. This reflects the impact of severe drought, which adversely affected agricultural production and productivity in 2002-03.

(b): The agriculture production in the country is greatly influenced by the extent of rainfall and its temporal and spatial spread because about 60% of the net area sown is dependent on rains for water. However, the production of various crops shows a long-term upward trend, albeit with fluctuations.

In order to further improve the performance of the agriculture sector, the Government have taken a number of initiatives such as promotion of watershed development programmes, emphasis on developing and promoting new technologies, measures for increasing availability of agricultural credit, Market Information Network, National Agricutural Insurance Scheme etc. Besides, the Government also encourage farmers to increase production through price policy which includes implementation of Minimum Support Price and Market Intervention Schemes. Apart from these, the Government have also adopted macro-management mode for providing assistance to the States. The Macro-Management Scheme integrates 27 schemes into one for supplementing and complementing the efforts of State Governments through work plans. This gives flexibility to States to address specific problems faced by them depending on local requirements, avoid overlapping in the contents of different schemes and aim at all-round development of agriculture.

(c): The State-wise estimates of production of paddy, sugarcane and wheat during 1999- 2000, 2000-01 and 2001-02 are given in the Annexure. However, for 2002-03 no firm State-wise figures are available.

(d): The Minimum Support Price (MSP) of wheat fixed by the Government for the year 2002-03 is Rs.620 per quintal, which is the same as in 2001-02. However, the Government have announced one time Special Drought Relief of Rs.10 per quintal of wheat of 2002-03 season to be marketed in 2003-04.


Annexure referred to in Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 94 due for answer on 24.02.2003

Statewise Production of Paddy, Wheat and Sugarcane during 1999-2000 to 2001-02
(`000 Tonnes)
State/ UT Paddy Wheat Sugarcane
99-2000 2000-01 2001-02 99-2000 2000-01 2001-02 99-2000 2000-01 2001-02
Andhra Pradesh 15956.7 18687.0 17085.0 9.0 8.0 10.0 18508.0 17690.1 17607.5 Arunachal Pr 202.2 199.1 201.9 5.1 6.2 5.3 - - - Assam 5791.5 5997.8 5781.6 98.0 85.7 85.3 1155.0 988.0 1011.4 Bihar 10877.9 12246.3 7922.4 4687.1 4438.0 4383.6 4088.5 3987.6 5818.3 Chattisgarh 3554.0 7698.9 79.5 99.1 8.6 10.2 Goa 313.4 213.2 189.8 - - - 68.4 72.8 70.6 Gujarat 1477.4 709.1 1543.1 1020.0 649.0 1144.7 14066.2 12694.7 12464.6 Haryana 3874.5 4042.5 4086.0 9650.0 9669.0 9437.0 7640.0 8170.0 9330.0 Himachal Pr 180.6 187.4 206.1 583.3 251.3 604.2 67.4 60.5 82.7 J & Kashmir 586.7 622.3 632.7 434.3 148.7 343.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 Jharkhand 2467.1 2467.1 103.6 103.6 144.9 144.9 Karnataka 5572.3 5767.2 4755.0 217.6 244.0 196.0 37566.9 42923.5 33754.0 Kerala 1156.2 1127.0 1072.7 - - - 578.8 275.6 275.6 Madhya Pradesh 9564.8 1473.2 2495.4 8685.2 4869.4 5632.3 1991.0 1660.4 2090.0 Maharashtra 3838.4 2893.8 3977.0 1436.1 948.0 1077.0 53143.0 49589.0 45140.0 Manipur 547.5 572.6 581.0 - - - 21.2 24.2 21.2 Meghalaya 273.2 268.6 270.2 7.0 6.9 6.9 0.2 0.2 0.5 Mizoram 132.6 155.6 158.8 - - - 1.5 6.4 9.4 Nagaland 220.7 345.0 356.0 12.5 10.0 15.0 30.0 35.0 50.0 Orissa 7780.5 6990.0 10831.3 7.7 12.9 10.6 1080.3 963.9 647.7 Punjab 13010.0 13731.0 13224.0 15910.0 15551.0 15499.0 6770.0 7770.0 8818.0 Rajasthan 378.9 233.6 270.1 6731.9 5547.1 6389.0 786.8 561.3 432.1 Sikkim 35.1 32.1 33.5 12.8 10.1 9.8 - - - Tamil Nadu 11298.2 11049.5 10309.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 34285.0 33188.0 36335.7 Tripura 758.6 770.1 913.3 2.4 2.2 18.0 51.3 54.1 52.2 Uttar Pradesh 19846.5 17518.9 18687.8 25976.4 25168.3 25018.5 115418.9 106067.5 116218.5 Uttaranchal 932.3 921.6 714.6 734.8 7349.2 7555.3 West Bengal 20638.8 18642.0 22885.1 850.8 1058.6 961.5 1762.8 1465.6 1983.4 A & N Islands 42.6 48.3 41.0 - - - 4.7 4.7 2.4 D & N Haveli 32.9 29.9 29.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 - - - Delhi 10.1 7.5 8.9 30.8 97.9 29.4 - - - Daman & Diu 8.4 4.8 6.0 - - - - - - Pondicherry 89.1 95.3 93.5 - - - 237.6 200.4 170.2 All India 134496.3 131614.1 139735.0 76368.9 69680.9 71814.3 299323.9 295956.2 300096.4

- = Nil/ Negligible.

For the Year 1999-2000 the production figures of Chattisgarh are included in Madhya Pradesh. The figures for Jharkhand are included in Bihar and figures for Uttaranchal included in Uttar Pradesh.