a)In respect of drinking water:Rural drinking water supply is a state subject. States are empowered to plan, design, approve and implement rural drinking water supply schemes which are approved by State Level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC). As per information entered by States on Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of the Ministry, State / UT-wise details of schemescompleted under National Rural Drinking Water Supply Programme (NRDWP) for the last three years, as on 02.01.2018 is as under.
No. Financial Year Number of Schemes completed
PWS (MVS) PWS (SVS) Tubewell / HP / Well etc. Recharge Structure Point Treatment System Total
1 2014-2015 2698 70203 198578 26605 2996 301080
2 2015-2016 2669 58691 124700 22205 3417 211682
3 2016-2017 1934 20997 25234 12521 739 61425
4 2017-2018
(till 02.01.18) 1058 8403 8228 1038 206 18933
Total 8359
#PWS (MVS) – Piped Water Supply (Multi Village Scheme), SVS: Single Village Scheme
In respect of Sanitation:The Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) (SBM (G)) has been launched on 2nd October, 2014, which aims at attaining Swachh Bharat by 2nd October 2019. The focus of the scheme is on behavior change and usage of toilets. Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), there is a provision of an incentive of Rs. 12,000 for the construction of Individual household latrine (IHHL) to all Below Poverty Line (BPL) households and to identified Above Poverty Line (APL) households (all SCs /STs, small and marginal farmers, landless labourers with homestead, physically handicapped and women-headed households).
(b) In respect of drinking water:As per information entered by States / UTs on IMIS, the details of targets set and achievements made under NRDWP for rural and tribal areas during each of the last three years and the current year is at Annexure-I & I (a) respectively.
In respect of sanitation:Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is demand driven scheme; hence no year-wise targets are set. State/UT-wise number of Individual household latrines (IHHLs) constructed during last 3 years under SBM (G) is at Annexure-II. Adequate priority is given for Tribal areas of the country. 10% of Total Allocation is reserved for Schedule Tribes (STs) each year.
(c) In respect of drinking water:The State/ UT-wise details (including Chhattisgarh) of funds released and utilized under NRDWP during the last three years and current year is at Annexure – III. Separate figures of funds released and utilized for Bastar zone (i.e. districts of Bastar, Bijapur, Dantewada, kanker, Narayanpur and Sukma) of Chhattisgarh are as under:
(Amount in Rs. Crore)
S.No. District 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Release Expenditure Release Expenditure Release Expenditure Release Expenditure
1 Bastar 9.98 10.28 2.33 2.33 2.6 2.45 8.17 7.95
2 Bijapur 6.39 6.62 2.84 2.64 1.79 1.72 0.41 0.4
3 Dantewada 3.39 3.73 1.13 1.12 0.97 0.91 2.28 2.28
4 Kanker 6.92 7.17 2.08 2.01 3.03 2.99 8.1 7.25
5 Narayanpur 2.23 3.29 1.31 1.31 1.68 1.63 1.24 1.19
6 Sukma 3.05 3.26 1.19 1.18 0.81 0.76 0.63 0.58
TOTAL 31.96 34.35 10.88 10.59 10.88 10.46 20.83 19.65
In respect of sanitation:State/UT-wise central share released and utilised under SBM (G) during last 3 years is atAnnexure-III (a). District-wise details of Bastar division are as under:-
District-wise, Central share released and utilised in Bastar division of Chhattisgarh during last 3 years (Rs. in lakh)
District 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Release Utilised Release Utilised Release Utilised
Bastar (Jagdalpur) 100.00 152.47 90.00 417.55 720.00 236.09
Bijapur 0.00 2.47 120.63 346.27 330.00 122.64
Dantewada 50.00 11.46 61.08 162.93 540.00 460.84
Kanker 175.00 59.42 783.38 1182.45 1664.30 908.03
Kondagaon 75.00 42.67 122.81 315.87 630.00 410.62
Narayanpur 0.00 13.44 90.00 168.50 420.00 538.89
Sukma 75.00 3.10 122.81 258.21 420.00 212.09
Total 475.00 285.03 1390.71 2851.78 4724.30 2889.20
(d) In respect of drinking water:The Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation had launched the National Water Quality Sub-Mission (NWQSM) on 22nd March 2017 under NRDWP to provide safe drinking water to about 28,000 arsenic / fluoride affected habitations over a span of 4 years. State-wise number proposals submitted by the States into Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of the Ministry, proposal considered and funds released under NWQSM as on 22nd December, 2017 is as follows:-
S. No.
S. No. Name of the State No. of proposals (PWS & CWPPs) Submitted No. of proposals considered Fund released in Crore Remarks
1 Andhra Pradesh 73 Nil Nil Additional details / proceedings are awaited.
2 Assam 122 Nil Nil Additional details / proceedings are awaited.
3 Bihar 794 753 80.37 Balance proposals are under examination
4 Chhattisgarh 15 (CWPPs) Nil Nil Additional details / proceedings are awaited.
5 Haryana 12 06 09.63 Balance proposals are under examination
6 Jharkhand 01 01 07.25 Nil
7 Rajasthan 1,052 (49-PWS & 1003- CWPPs) Nil Nil Additional details / proceedings are awaited.
8 Telangana 27 27 440.51 Nil
9 West Bengal 07 03 154.37 Balance proposals are under examination.
# PWS: Piped Water Supply Scheme and CWPPs: Community Water Purification Plants.
In respect of sanitation: Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is under implementation in 684 rural districts of the Country. All proposals received under SBM(G) from States have been sanctioned. No proposal is pending.
(e)&(f)In respect of drinking water:Rural drinking water supply is a state subject. States are empowered to plan, design, approve and implement rural drinking water supply schemes. This Ministry provides technical & financial assistance to the states towards coverage of piped water supply in entire rural habitations.
This Ministry has directed States to focus more on Piped Water Supply schemes. States have also been directed to focus on early completion of the schemes which are in advanced stage of completion. While doing so, this Ministry has directed the States that priority is to be accorded to the schemes meant for Arsenic / Fluoride affected habitation and Open Defecation Free (ODF) villages. Further, the states have also been advised to pool more funds from their own resources / loan from external / domestic financial agencies. With this increased devolution of funds, States/UTs can take up more schemes and achieve its ultimate goal.The complete coverage will depend on availability of resources i.e. required funds with the states and water.However, all schemes under NWQSM are planned to be completed by March 2021.
In respect of sanitation:Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), target is to provide toilets to all households by 2nd October, 2019.
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