(a) & (b): Yes, Madam.
Sports Authority of India(SAI) is implementing various sports promotional schemes to identify talented sportspersons and nurture their potential to excel at National & International level competition. Following sports promotional Schemes are being implementing by SAI :-
? National Sports Talent Contest (NSTC) including Indigenous Games of Martial Art (IGMA) and Akharas
? Army Boys Sports Company (ABSC)
? SAI Training Centre (STC)
? Special Area Games (SAG)
? Extension Centres of STC/SAG
? Centre of Excellence (COE)
? SAI National Sports Academies
252 SAI Sports Training Centres are presently in operation all over the country wherein 11773 sports persons (8243 Boys & 3530 Girls) are undergoing training in residential and Day Boarding Scheme. The selected trainees / inmates are provided with facilities in the form of playfields, Equipment, Boarding & Lodging, Sports Kit, Competition Exposure, Educational Expenses, Insurance/Medical Expenses and stipend as per the approved scheme norms.
(c) The details of identified sports persons for nurturing under the SAI Sports Promotional Schemes during the last three years are provided at the Annexure.
(d) The identified sportspersons are encouraged to achieve their full potential by providing them all opportunities to excel under the guidance /training /supervision of experienced coaches.
Those who excel at the international level are also given cash awards as per the norms of the Scheme of Special Awards and Medal winners in International Sports Events and their coaches.
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