(a) to (c) Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) is a Centrally sponsored scheme being implemented by the Ministry of
Rural Development across the country (except Delhi and Chandigarh), under which financial assistance is
provided to the rural BPL households for construction of a dwelling unit. According to the estimates made
by the Office of Registrar General of India based on 2001 Census, the total housing shortage in rural areas
throughout the country excluding Delhi and Chandigarh, was 148.25 lakh. A Statement showing the State-wise
rural housing shortage based on Census 2001 and number of houses constructed/upgraded during the last three
years is annexed. The Target set by the Planning Commission is `to provide homestead sites to all by 2012 and
to step up the pace of house construction for rural poor to cover all the poor by 2016-17.
(d) Construction of sanitary latrine and smokeless chullha is an integral part of an IAY house. An amount of
Rs.2200/- is provided under `Total Sanitation Campaign` Programme to those IAY beneficiaries who construct a
sanitary latrine with the IAY house, in addition to the financial assistance provided under IAY. However, due
to traditional and cultural attitudes, many rural households are reluctant to construct sanitary latrine and
smokeless chullha.
(e) & (f) The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development had examined the subject `Rural Housing`
in detail from the year 2004-05 onwards and made 56 recommendations in August, 2006. The recommendations
mainly related to enhancement of unit assistance under IAY, housing scenario in rural areas in the country,
rural housing finance and technology for rural housing. The replies to these recommendations were sent to
the Committee and also laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha on 12/12/2008 and in Rajya Sabha on 17/12/2008.
The recommendations of the Committee alongwith the replies submitted by this Ministry are also available
on the website