Question : Road Accidents

(a) the number of road accidents taken place during each of the last three years and the current year along with the number of persons injured/died in the said accidents in the country, State-wise;
(b) the reasons for the increasing number of such accidents in the country;
(c) whether the Government has taken any measures to prevent road accidents, especially on highways and if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the details of the compensation paid by the Government to the victims of road accidents during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) As per the data received from police department of all States/UTs, the total number of road accidents, persons killed and injured on all roads in the country during the last four calendar years 2017 to 2020 are given in the following table.

Year Total
Number of
Accidents %
Change Total Number of Persons
Killed %
Change Total
Number of
Injured %
2017 464910 147913 470975
2018 467044 0.46 151417 2.37 469418 -0.33
2019 449002 -3.86 151113 -0.2 451361 -3.85
2020 366138 -18.46 131714 -12.84 348279 -22.84

State/UT – wise information on total number of road accidents, persons killed and injured on all roads in the country during the last four calendar years 2017 to 2020 is annexed at Annexure I.
As may be seen, there is marginal decrease in the number of road accidents.
(c) Ministry has formulated a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue of road safety based on Education, Engineering (both of roads and vehicles), Enforcement and Emergency Care. Accordingly, various initiatives have been taken by the Ministry as detailed below:-
(1) Education:
i. To create effective public awareness about road safety, Ministry undertakes various publicity measures and awareness campaigns on road safety through social media, electronic media, and print media. Further, Ministry implements a road safety advocacy scheme to provide financial assistance to various agencies for administering Road Safety Advocacy.
ii. Observance of National Road Safety Month/Week every year for spreading awareness and strengthening road safety.
iii. A Certification Course for Road Safety Auditors has been commenced in Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE).
iv. To impart driving training both theoretical and practical to the existing and aspiring drivers, for setting standards and monitoring driving training and issue of driving licence based on an objective of scientific process of testing skills, Ministry has been implementing a scheme for setting up of Institute of Driving Training & Research (IDTRs), Regional Driving Training Centres (RDTCs) and Driving Training Centres (DTCs) at district level in aspirational districts and other rural areas of the Country.
(2) Engineering (both of Roads and vehicles)
2.1. Road engineering:
i. Road safety has been made an integral part of road design at planning stage. Road Safety Audit of all highway projects has been made mandatory at all stages i.e. design, construction, operation and maintenance.
ii. High priority to identification and rectification of black spots (accident prone spots) on National Highways
iii. Ministry has delegated powers to Regional Officers for technical approval of the detailed estimates for rectification of identified Road Accident black spots.
iv. Guidelines for pedestrian facilities on National Highways for persons with disabilities have also been issued to all States / UTs.
v. The electronic Detailed Accident Report (e-DAR) Project has been initiated to establish to a central repository for reporting, management and analysis of road accidents data across the Country.
vi. This Ministry and IRC has issued various codes and guidelines, time to time, to implement various road safety measures so as to minimize accidents on National Highways.

2.2 Vehicle engineering:

i. The Ministry has notified regarding mandatory provision of an airbag for the passenger seated on the front seat of a vehicle, next to the driver. Furthermore, the Ministry, has also proposed that vehicles of category M1, manufactured after 01st October, 2022, shall be fitted with two side/side torso air bags, one each for the persons occupying front row outboard seating positions and two side curtain/tube air bags, one each for the persons occupying outboard seating positions.
ii. Ministry has notified the mandatory fitment of following listed safety technologies from 01st July 2019.
For M1 category vehicles:
a. Seat Belt Reminder (SBR) for driver and co-driver.
b. Manual Override for central locking system
c. Over speed warning system.
For all M and N category vehicles:
a. Reverse Parking Alert System
iii. This Ministry has proposed that all front facing seats in vehicles of M1 category, manufactured on and after 01st October 2022, be provided with three point seat belt.
iv. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) for certain classes of L [Motor vehicle with less than four wheels and includes a Quadricycle], M [Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used for carrying passengers] and N [Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used for carrying goods which may also carry persons in addition to goods, subject to conditions stipulated in BIS standards] categories.
v. This Ministry has mandated approval of vehicles for protection of occupants in the event of an Offset Frontal Collision, for requirements for behavior of steering mechanism of the vehicle in a Head-on collision, Protection of Occupants in the event of Lateral Collision and for approval of vehicles with regard to protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users in the event of a collision with a motor vehicle.
vi. Regulations for Bharat New Car Assessment Programme - The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has issued a draft notification dated 24th June 2022, whereby it is proposed to insert a new rule 126E in CMVR (Central Motor Vehicles Rules), 1989 regarding the Bharat New Car Assessment Program (BNCAP). The following has been proposed :-
? It is applicable on Type Approved motor vehicles of category M1 [ motor vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising not more than eight seats, in addition to driver’s seat] with gross vehicle weight less than 3.5 Tonnes, manufactured or imported in the country, in accordance with the Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)-197, as amended from time to time. The standard is aligned with global benchmarks: it is beyond minimum regulatory requirements.
? Bharat NCAP rating will provide consumers an indication of the level of protection offered to occupants by evaluating the vehicle in the areas of (a) Adult Occupant Protection (AOP) (b) Child Occupant Protection (COP) and (c) Safety Assist Technologies (SAT). The vehicle shall be assigned a star rating from one to five stars, based on scoring against various tests undertaken as per AIS 197.
? It introduces the concept of safety rating of passenger cars and empowers consumers to take informed decisions. It will promote export worthiness of the cars produced by OEMs in the country and increase the domestic customer’s confidence in these vehicles. Additionally the program will encourage manufacturers to provide advanced safety technologies to earn higher ratings.
? The testing of vehicles for this program will be carried out at Testing Agencies, with the necessary infrastructure, referred to in Rule 126 of CMVR 1989.
? Date of Applicability: 1st day of April 2023.
vii. The Ministry has mandated speed limiting function/speed limiting device in all transport vehicles, except for two wheelers, three wheelers, quadricycles, fire tenders, ambulances and police vehicles.
viii. This Ministry has mandated compliance of the fully built buses (with a seating capacity of 22 passengers or above, excluding driver), manufactured on and after 1st April 2019, with the requirements of Fire Detection, Alarm and Suppression system. Further, compliance of type III buses of category M3 and school buses with fire alarm and protection system in occupant compartment has also been mandated.
ix. The Ministry has prescribed the format in which vehicle manufacturers issue the Road Worthiness Certification for registering motor vehicles.
x. Scheme for setting up one model Inspection & Certification Centre in each State/UT with Central assistance for testing the fitness of vehicles through an automated system.
xi. This Ministry, vide notification dated 15th February, 2022 has prescribed norms related to safety measures for children below four years of age, riding or being carried on a motor cycle. Further, it specifies use of a safety harness, crash helmet and restricts speed to 40kmph.
(3) Enforcement:
i. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 provides for strict penalties for ensuring strict compliance and enhancing deterrence for violation of traffic rules and strict enforcement through use of technology.
ii. Issue of Guidelines for protection of Good Samaritans and rules as per MV (Amendment) Act, 2019 has been published.
iii. Notification vide GSR 652 (E) dt 23rd September 2021- provides for recognition, regulation and control of Automated Testing Stations. These rules define the procedure for fitness testing of vehicles through automated equipment and the procedure for grant of fitness certificate by ATSs. These rules came into effect on 25th September 2021.
iv. Notification vide GSR 272(E) dated 05th April 2022, provides for mandatory fitness of vehicles only through an Automated Testing Stations. It mandates the fitness check of Heavy Goods Vehicles/Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicles only through automated testing stations with effect from 01st April 2023 onwards, and for Medium Goods Vehicles/Medium Passenger Motor Vehicles and Light Motor vehicles (Transport) with effect from 01st June 2024 onwards.
v. MoRTH has issued notification G.S.R. 575(E) dt 11th August, 2021 for Electronic Monitoring and Enforcement of Road Safety. The rules specify the detailed provisions for placement of electronic enforcement devices (speed camera, closed-circuit television camera, speed gun, body wearable camera, dashboard camera, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), weigh in machine (WIM) and any such technology).

State Governments shall ensure that appropriate electronic enforcement devices are placed at high-risk and high-density corridors on National Highways and State Highways, and at critical junctions at least in major cities with more than one million population (as per data available based on Million Plus Urban Agglomerations or Cities: census of India 2011 or as per the latest census) including the 132 non-attainment cities (under National Clean Air Programme) , and the electronic enforcement device shall be placed in such a manner so as not to cause any obstruction, line -of-sight issues or interruption in traffic flow.

(4) Emergency care:
i. The National Highways Authority of India has made provisions for ambulances with paramedical staff/Emergency Medical Technician/Nurse at toll plazas on the completed corridor of National Highways.
ii. Ministry has implemented a Scheme for grant of Award to the Good Samaritan who has saved life of a victim of a fatal accident involving a motor vehicle by administering immediate assistance and rushing to Hospital/Trauma Care Centre within the Golden Hour of the accident to provide medical treatment.

(d) Enabling provisions relating to payment of compensation to victims of road accidents have been given in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 under section 161 (Special provisions as to compensation in case of hit and run motor accident), section 163 (Scheme for payment of compensation in case of hit and run motor accidents) and section 163A (Special provisions as to payment of compensation on structured formula basis). Further, Ministry has issued notification dated 25 Feb 2022 mandating the procedure for detailed investigation of road accidents, the Detailed Accident Report (DAR) and its reporting, along with timelines for different stakeholders, for quick settlements of claims by the Motor Accident Claim Tribunal (MACT). Claims are filed at Motor Accident Claims Tribunals at State Level. No centralized details with respect to compensation paid and number of victims pending for compensation is available with the Ministry.

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