Question : Tribal Population

(a) whether the Government has conducted any census/survey to ascertain the tribal population and the types of tribal population including primitive tribes in the country;

(b) if so, the details of the findings thereof including the demographics of primitive tribes in relation to the total tribal population in the country, tribe-wise and State/UT-wise including Jharkhand;

(c) the details of Centrally sponsored schemes being implemented by the Government for upliftment/welfare of tribals particularly those living below the poverty line in the country including the State of Jharkhand;

(d) the extent of success achieved under these schemes along with the funds sanctioned, released and utilised by the State Governments thereunder during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise; and

(e) the fund provided by the Government for schools and education of the tribals in the country, State/UT-wise including Jharkhand and its ratio to the total budgetary provisions of the Government?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *14 for answer on 18.07.2016 asked by Shri Sunil Kumar Singh and Shri Vishnu Dayal Ram, MPs, regarding ‘Tribal Population’.

(a): Yes, Madam.

(b): Demographic details of Scheduled Tribes as per Census 2011 are available in public domain on the website of the Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India. State / UT-wise population of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) including Jharkhand are at Annexure 1. (url: ).

(c) & (d): Details of Centrally Sponsored Schemes being implemented by Ministry of Tribal Affairs are given at Annexure 2. Details of Funds released and utilization of funds and achievement thereof, State / UT-wise, including Jharkhand, are at Annexures 3 to 8.

(e): Out of total funds of Rs. 4550 crore allocated to Ministry of Tribal Affairs for 2015-16 (Revised Estimates), Rs. 1899.52 crore has been released to States / UTs for schools and education under the Schemes / Programmes given below. This is 42% of total funds released.

(i) Post Matric Scholarship for ST students.
(ii) Pre Matric Scholarship for ST students studying in classes IX & X.
(iii) Upgradation of merit of ST students.
(iv) Hostels for ST Girls and Boys.
(v) Establishment of Ashram Schools in Tribal Sub-Plan.
(vi) Vocational Training in Tribal Areas.
(vii) ‘Grants under Article 275 (1)’ of the Constitution of India for setting up of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRSs), and
(viii) Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for Hostels.

An amount of Rs. 21.79 crore for EMRS and Rs. 41.27 crore for hostels under SCA to TSP has been released to Jharkhand during 2015-16.


Annexure 1 referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *14 for Answer on 18.07.2016.

Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) - State / UT wise

S.No. State / UT Name of PVTGs Population (Census 2011)

1 Andhra Pradesh (including Telangana) 1. Bodo Gadaba++
2. Bondo Poroja+
3. Chenchu 64,227
4. Dongria Khond++
5. Gutob Gadaba++
6. Khond Poroja+
7. Kolam++
8. Kondareddis 1,07,747
9. Konda Savaras+
10. Kutia Khond++
11. Parengi Poroja++
12. Thoti 4,811

2 Bihar 13. Asurs 4,129
14. Birhor 377
15. Birjia 208
16. Hill Kharia++
17. Korwas 452
18. Mal Paharia 2,225
19. Parhaiyas 647
20. Sauria Paharia 1,932
21. Savar 80

2a Jharkhand 13a. Asur 22,459
14a. Birhor 10,726
15a. Birjia 6,276
16a Korwa 35,606
17a. Mal Paharia 1,35,797
18a. Parhaiyas 25,585
19a. Sauria Paharia 46,222
20a. Savar 9,688

3 Gujarat 22. Kathodi++
23. Kotwalia++
24. Padhar 30,932
25. Siddi 8,661
26. Kolgha++
4. Karnataka 27. Jenu Kuruba 36,076
28. Koraga 14,794

5. Kerala 29. Cholanaikayan (a section of Kattunaickans) ++
30. Kadar 2,949
31. Kattunayakan 18,199
32. Koraga 1,582
33. Kurumbas 2,586

6 Madhya Pradesh 34. Abujh Marias++
35. Baigas 4,14,526
36. Bharias++
37. Hill Korwas++
38. Kamars 666
39. Saharias++
40. Birhor++

6a Chhattisgarh 35a. Baigas 89,744
38a. Kamars 26,530

7 Maharashtra 41. Katkaria (Kathodia) ++
42. Kolam++
43. Maria Gond+

8 Manipur 44. Marram Nagas+

9 Odisha 45. Birhor 596
46. Bondo+
47. Didayi 8,890
48. Dongria-Khond+
49. Juangs 47,095
50. Kharias++
51. Kutia Kondh+
52. Lanjia Sauras+
53. Lodhas 9,785
54. Mankidias.. 2,222
55. Paudi Bhuyans+
56. Soura+
57. Chuktia Bhunjia +

10 Rajasthan 58. Seharias++

11 Tamil Nadu 59. Irular 1,89,661
60. Kattu Nayakans 46,672
61. Kotas 308
62. Kurumbas 6,823
63. Paniyans 10,134
64. Todas 2,002

12 Tripura 65. Reangs 188,220

13 Uttar Pradesh 66. Buxas 4,710
67. Rajis 1,295

13a. Uttarakhand 66a. Buxas 54,037
67a. Rajis 690

14 West Bengal 68. Birhor 2,241
69. Lodhas++
70. Totos++

15 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 71. Great Andamanese+
72. Jarawas 380
73. Onges 101
74. Sentinelese 15
75. Shom Pens 229
Total 17,02,545

+ These 13 communities do not figure in present ST list. Hence, Census data are not available community-wise for these PVTGs.
++ These 22 PVTGs do not appear as main STs. Hence, Census data on these sub tribes are not available separately, but merged with concerned main STs.

Annexures 2 - 8 referred to in reply to part (c) & (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *14 for Answer on 18.07.2016.

Annexure 2

Centrally Sponsored Schemes being implemented by Ministry of Tribal Affairs

(i) Scheme of Girls & Boys Hostels for STs: Under the scheme, Central assistance is given to States/UTs/Universities for construction of new hostel buildings and/or extension of existing hostels. The scheme has been revised with effect from the financial year 2008-09 (w.e.f. 1.4.2008). Under the revised scheme, State Governments are eligible for 100% central share for construction of all Girls’ hostel and also for construction of Boys’ hostel in naxal affected areas (identified by Ministry of Home Affairs from time to time). The funding pattern for the other Boys’ Hostel to State Governments is on 50:50 basis. In case of UTs, the Central Government bears the entire cost of construction of both Boys’ and Girls’ hostels. Hostels for Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) for ST Girls and Boys are funded on the same criteria as other hostels. Members of Parliament could also provide funds as a substitute of State share from their MPLAD scheme for this purpose. Maintenance of the hostel is the responsibility of the concerned States/UTs. The hostels may be for middle, secondary, college or university level education. Amounts released and number of hostels with seats are at Annexure 3A & 3B.

(ii) Scheme of Ashram Schools in Tribal Sub-Plan Area: The objective of the scheme is to provide residential schools for STs in an environment conducive to learning to increase the literacy rate among the tribal students and to bring them at par with other population of the country. The scheme has been revised with effect from the financial year 2008-09. Under the revised scheme, State Governments are eligible for 100% central share for construction of all Girls’ Ashram Schools and also for construction of Boys’ Ashram Schools in naxal affected areas (identified by Ministry of Home Affairs from time to time). The funding pattern for the other Boys’ Ashram Schools is on 50:50 basis, while cent percent assistance is given to UTs for construction of both Girls and Boys’ Ashram Schools. The scheme covers primary, middle, secondary and senior secondary level of education. Annexure 4A & 4B give amount released, no. of Ashram Schools and no. of seats.

(iii) Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme for ST students: This scholarship is given to scheduled tribe students studying in class IX and X. This Scheme covers all ST students whose parent’s annual income is below Rs. 2 Lacs. Scholarship of Rs. 150 per month for day scholars and Rs. 350 per month for hostellers are given for a period of 10 months in a year. Amounts released and beneficiaries are at Annexure 5A & 5B.

(iv) The Post Matric Scholarship Scheme: This scheme is open to all ST students and is given to enable them to pursue higher studies at Post Matriculation level including technical and professional studies. This Scheme covers all ST students whose parents’ annual income is below Rs. 2,50,000/-. Compulsory fees charged by the educational institutions are reimbursed and scholarship amount of Rs. 230 per month to Rs. 1200 per month are given depending on the courses of study. Amounts released and beneficiaries are at Annexure 6A & 6B.

(v) Scheme of Vocational Training in Tribal Areas: The main aim of the Scheme is to develop the skills of the ST youth for a variety of jobs as well as self-employment and to improve their socio-economic condition. The scheme covers all the States and Union Territories. It is not an area-specific scheme, the condition being that free vocational training facilities are extended only to tribal youth 100% grants under the scheme are provided to the states, Union Territories and other Associations implementing the Scheme. Each Vocational Training Centre (VTC) under the scheme may cater to five vocational courses in traditional skills depending upon the employment potential of the area. Keeping in view the limited potential of even skilled persons in interior areas, each ST boy/girl is trained in two trades of his/her choice, the course in each trade being for duration of three months. Each trainee is to be attached at the end of six months to a master craftsman in a semi-urban/urban area for a period of six months, to learn his/her skills by practical experience. The scheme has been revised with effect from 1.4.2009 to provide enhanced financial norms and to ensure linkages of vocational courses with recognized certificate/diploma through affiliation/accreditation of courses and institutions under Modular Employable Skills and Craftsman Training Scheme by National Council of Vocational Training of Ministry of Labour and Employment. Amounts released and beneficiaries are at Annexure 7A & 7B.

(vi) Mechanism for marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and development of Value Chain for MFP

The Government of India through Ministry of Tribal Affairs has launched a scheme called “Mechanism for marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and development of Value Chain for MFP” during 2013-14 to ensure fair returns to the forest dwellers for the produce collected by them from the forests. The Scheme is applicable on those MFPs which are non-nationalized or are not under the monopoly system of procurement by the States. The intent behind these provisions is to ensure competition at the market place where State Agencies are available to purchase designated MFPs, in case the prices fall below MSP. In case market price is more than MSP, then private trade can purchase the same in open market. In this way, the 10 MFPs covered under the scheme in 8 States can be sold in the open market by forest dwellers. Amounts released, value of MFP procured and beneficiaries are at Annexure 8.

Annexure 3A
(Rs. in lakh)
Sl. No Name of the State/ UT/University 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Funds Released Utilized Funds Released Utilized Funds Released Utilized
1 Arunachal Pradesh 846,73 UC awaited -- -- 400,00 UC awaited
2 Chhattisgarh -- -- -- -- 1221,74 UC awaited
3 Gujarat 939,33 939,33 0,00 N/A -- --
4 Himachal Pradesh -- -- 380,47 UC awaited -- --
5 Kerala 553,45 553,45 1349,63 UC awaited -- --
6 Madhya Pradesh -- -- 1305,00 UC awaited -- --
7 Mizoram 2289,43 UC awaited 0,00 N/A -- --
8 Maharashtra -- -- 1031,00 UC awaited -- --
9 Nagaland 810,95 810,95 -- N/A 1798,45 UC awaited
10 Rajasthan 2646,87 478,59 -- N/A 3393,97 UC awaited
11 Sikkim -- -- 460,29 UC awaited -- --
12 Tamil Nadu 112,73 UC awaited 0,00 N/A -- --
13 Tripura 1906,01 UC awaited 1797,62 UC awaited -- --
14 Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi -- -- 304,99 UC awaited -- --
15 Mizoram University -- -- 195,01 UC awaited 59,73 --
16 National Law School of India University, Banglore -- -- -- N/A 61,94 --
Total 10105,50 2782,32 6824,01 0,00 6935,83 --
No funds have been released during 2016-17 so far.
Note: Utilized figures are as per Utilization Certificate (UC) submitted till date.

HOSTELS SANCTIONED DURING 2013-14TO 2015-16 (Statewise)(In Nos.)
S.No Name of State/UT/University 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Hostel (Seats) Hostel (Seats) Hostel (Seats)
1 Arunachal Pradesh -- -- 4 (340)
2 Chhattisgarh -- -- 13 (1,300)
3 Kerala 4 (280) 6 (600) --
4 Mizoram 8 (440) -- --
5 Nagaland 5 (500) -- 17 ( for upgradation -9,500)
6 Rajasthan 17 (850) -- 47 (17 new and 30 upgradation - 1,600)
7 Tripura 10 (750) -- --
Total 44 (2,820) 6 (600) 81 (12,740)
No hostels have been sanctioned during 2016-17 so far.

(Rs. in lakhs)
S. No. State/UT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Fund released Utilized Fund released Utilized Fund released Utilized
1 Andhra Pradesh 371,87 UC awaited -- -- -- --
2 Assam 749,60 UC awaited -- -- -- --
3 Goa -- -- -- -- 300,00 UC awaited
4 Gujarat -- -- 1144,48 UC awaited -- --
5 Madhya Pradesh -- -- 1425,00 UC awaited -- --
6 Maharashtra 2474,63 UC awaited 1000,00 UC awaited -- --
7 Odisha 2091,10 749.04* -- -- -- --
8 Sikkim 575,28 -- -- -- -- --
9 Tripura 954,52 954,52 954,52 UC awaited -- --
Total 7217,00 954,52 4524,00 -- 300,00 --
No funds have been released during 2016-17 so far.
Note: Utilised figures are as per Utilisation Certificate (UC) submitted till date.

Annexure 4B
( In Nos.)
School (Seats)
1 Assam 1 (640)
2 Maharashtra 8 (3,700)
3 Odisha 15 (4,500)
4 Sikkim 1 (420)
5 Tripura 5 (1,000)
Total 30 (10,260)
NB: No Ashram School has been sanctioned during 2014-15

(Rs. in lakh)
Sl.No Name of the State/UT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Funds Released Utilised Funds Released Utilised Funds Released Utilised
1 Andhra Pradesh -- -- 1386,00 1386,00 1983,00 UC awaited
2 Arunachal Pradesh 218,44 UC awaited -- -- -- --
3 Assam 211,88 UC awaited -- -- -- --
4 Bihar -- -- 688,60 688,60 375,00 UC awaited
5 Chhattisgarh -- -- 3718,00 3125,00 3607,00 UC awaited
6 Goa 14,00 UC awaited -- -- -- --
7 Gujarat 2835,28 2835,28 3750,00 3750,00 3745,76 UC awaited
8 Himachal Pradesh 45,73 37,59 73,00 51,12 96,12 UC awaited
9 Jammu & Kashmir -- -- -- -- 700,00 UC awaited
10 Jharkhand 0,00 0,00 1613,00 UC awaited -- --
11 Karnataka 3320,05 UC awaited -- -- -- --
12 Kerala -- -- -- -- 300,00 UC awaited
13 Madhya Pradesh -- -- -- -- 4300,00 UC awaited
15 Manipur 729,70 UC awaited 496,05 UC awaited -- --
16 Meghalaya 296,76 UC awaited -- -- -- --
17 Mizoram 123,19 UC awaited -- -- -- --
18 Nagaland -- -- -- -- 851,47 UC awaited
19 Odisha 5601,08 5601,08 4511,00 4511,00 4900,00 UC awaited
20 Rajasthan 4792,55 4011.70 2383,34 UC awaited -- --
21 Sikkim -- -- 7,80 UC awaited -- --
22 Tamil Nadu -- -- -- -- 600,00 UC awaited
23 Telangana -- -- 745,52 UC awaited -- --
23 Tripura 674,33 674,33 678,75 678,75 1303,60 UC awaited
25 Uttrakhand 460,20 281,20 19,82 19,82 107,00 UC awaited
26 West Bengal 2620,00 UC awaited -- -- -- --
Grand Total 21943,19 9429,49 20070,88 14210,29 22868,95 --

No funds have been released during 2016-17 so far.

Annexure 8

Mechanism for marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and development of Value Chain for MFP

Funds released and beneficiaries during 2013-14 to 2015-16: State / UT-wise

(Rs. in crore)
S. No State Fund released Value of MFP Procured (up to 2015-16) No. of Beneficiaries
(up to 2015-16)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total
1 Odisha 40.00 - 9.91 49.91 1.63 3,556
2 Madhya Pradesh 34.89 - - 34.89 - -
3 Chhattisgarh - 80.16 73.50 153.66 68.96 5,90,000
4 Jharkhand 24.15 4.25 18.32 46.72 5.06 2,244
5 Maharashtra 5.00 - - 5.00 0.31 1,163
6 Rajasthan 0.20 - - 0.20 0.15 1392
7 Gujarat 5.00 - - 5.00 0.63 2,400
8 Andhra Pradesh -- - 5.29 5.29 0.02 -
109.24 84.41 107.02 300.67 76.74 6,00,755

Note: Details of beneficiaries for 2016-17 are yet to be received.


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