Question : Production of Chemicals

Will the Minister of CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS be pleased to state:
(a) The details of production of chemicals, petro chemicals and plastic industry during the last three years; and
(b) the details of the steps taken/being taken by the Government to enhance the production thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Chemical Sector is delicensed and decontrolled. The entrepreneurs are setting up units in the private sector based on the techno economic feasibility, demand and supply scenario and cost of feedback/raw materials. The Government has taken various steps including rationalization of custom duty on the feedstock/building blocks for having synergy in the complete value chain for boosting the chemical sector. The department does not maintain data relating to production of chemicals, petrochemicals and plastics etc. However, the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals collects production data from selected large and medium manufacturing units of the industry, to monitor the progress of some important chemicals and petrochemicals. The data as available in the Department is appended as Annexure-A.
(b) The Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals acts as a facilitator for the growth and development of the chemical and petrochemical sector. The activities of the Department are focused on both long term and short term policy measures to increase the production capacity. These are:-

? Setting up of PCPIRs to boost manufacturing of chemical and petrochemical sector by creation of infrastructure. PCPIR Policy provides that each PCPIR would have a refinery / petrochemical feedstock company as an Anchor Tenant that will help in mitigating the problem of feedstock to downstream industries.

? Plastic Parks are being set up in the country with the objectives to increase the competitiveness and investments, achieve environmentally sustainable growth and adopt the cluster development approach to consolidate the capacities in plastic sector.

? For giving further boost to polymer production, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd. complex in Dibrugarh (Assam) has been commissioned on 2nd January, 2016. This Plant has a capacity of 2.8 lakh tons per annum of Polyethylene and Polypropylene. The Project will attract substantial investments in setting up of downstream plastic processing industries as well as generate employment.

? Various seminars/workshops including ‘INDIA-CHEM GUJARAT 2015’ and ‘INDIA-CHEM, MUMBAI 2016’ etc. were held for exchange of technology, ideas and innovations for growth in the chemical sector. For the promotion of the plastics industry, the Department organizes events such as “Poly India”, which provides an opportunity to the Indian sector to showcase their strengths before the International community.


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