Question : Use of Satellite Transponders by DTH Sector

(a) whether the DTH sector is one of the largest users of satellite transponders;
(b) if so, whether with increase in demand for high definition channels, the requirement for satellite transponders is also increasing day by day and availability of adequate satellite transponders for growth is always a concern of DTH operators;
(c) if so, the facts thereof;
(d) whether the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recommended sharing of back-end infrastructure between satellite TV service distributors to help them cut their cost of operations;
(e) if so, the details thereof;
(f) whether there is any proposal to allow sharing of satellite transponders and the earth station facilities by a DTH operator with other DTH players and distribution platforms; and
(g) if so, the details thereof and the extent to which the sharing of transponders address their demand-supply mismatch and reduce both capital and operating expenditure of the companies?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) Yes sir. Presently DTH services are being supported by 42 transponders on indigenous satellites (INSAT/GSAT) and about 69 transponders on foreign satellites. There is a registered demand of additional about 64 transponders for immediate future. It is expected that over a period of next three years adequate capacity would be added through Indian satellites to facilitate migration of foreign capacity to Indian capacity. As per data reported to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) by broadcasters, there is a significant growth in the number of high definition (HD) Satellite Pay TV channels. The number has grown from 3 in the year 2010 to 83 in the year 2017.

(d) & (e) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued recommendations on sharing of Infrastructure in Television broadcasting distribution sector on 29.03.2017. These recommendations are available on TRAI’s website The objectives of these recommendations are to enable a policy environment for facilitating sharing of infrastructure in TV broadcasting & distribution sector, on voluntary basis. The sharing of the infrastructure is expected to enhance available channel capacities leading to reduction in capital & operative expenditure for the service providers thereby bringing down the price of broadcasting services to subscribers. In addition, it would lower the entry barriers for news service providers and provide more space on broadcasting distribution networks for niche channels.

(f) & (g) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has not received any proposal from DTH operators for sharing of satellite transponders and earth station facilities with other DTH players and distribution platforms. Enabling sharing of infrastructure may address the issue of demand-supply mismatch and reduce capital and operating expenditure of the service provider to an appreciable extent.


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