(a): Yes, Madam.
(b): Domestic production of edible oils is much lower than their consumption/
demand in the country. As a result, about half of the demand is met through imports.
Estimated domestic production of oilseeds, availability of edible oils
and import of edible oils during last three years and current year are as follows:
(in lakh tons)
Oil-Year Production Domestic availability Import of Total availability
(Nov.-Oct.) of oilseeds of edible oils edible oils of edible oils (domestic and imported )
2007-08 297.56 86.54 56.08 142.62
2008-09 277.19 84.56 81.82 166.39
2009-10 248.83 79.46 88.23 167.69
2010-11 278.48 86.76 20.74 - (Nov.-Jan.)
(c) & (d): National Sample Survey on consumer expenditure conducted periodically
includes estimation of consumption of edible oils. Projections for demand of edible
oilseeds in the country during 2007-08 to 2011-12 were made by Working Group
constituted by Planning Commission. This group also considered results of 55th
round of NSS (1999-2000). Based on behaviouristic approach, annual requirement of
edible oils in the country calculated from projections of oilseeds as estimated by
this Group was as given below :
(in lakh tons)
Year Demand for oilseeds Demand for edible oils
2007-08 455.6 127.57
2008-09 474.3 132.80
2009-10 493.5 138.18
2010-11 513.4 143.75
2011-12 533.9 149.49
However, the actual demand of edible oils seems higher than these
estimates made in 2006.
(e) The Government has taken various steps to improve production and
availability of oilseeds /edible oils in the country such as these:
(i) A centrally sponsored Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm
and Maize (ISOPOM) is being implemented in 14 major oilseeds growing States and
9 oil palm growing states to increase production. Under this Scheme as well as
Macro Management of Agriculture (MMA) and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY),
assistance is provided for improving agronomic practices.
(ii) Extension work is being taken up for propagation of improved production
and pest management technologies.
(iii) A new sub-scheme has been introduced during 2010-11 under RKVY as a
special initiative for pulses and oilseeds for organizing sixty thousand pulses
and oilseeds villages in rainfed areas.
(iv) Imports of edible oils have been facilitated through liberal import
duty structure.