Question : Rashtriya Aajeevika Mission

(a) whether self-employment opportunities are being made available to rural women through ‘Deen Dayal Upadhyay Rashtriya Aajeevika Mission’;

(b) if so, the details in respect of Satna district along with the outcome as on date; and

(c) the loan amount disbursed in rural areas under the Mission?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) across the country in a mission mode with the objective of organizing the rural poor women into Self Help Groups (SHGs), and continuously nurturing and supporting them to take economic activities till they attain appreciable increase in income over a period of time to improve their quality of life and come out of abject poverty.

Under DAY - NRLM programme, Revolving Funds (RF) at the rate of Rs.10,000-15,000 per SHG and Community Investment Fund (CIF) to the extent of Rs.2,50,000 per SHG is provided to Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their federations to take up self-employment for income generation and livelihoods activities. Apart from this DAY-NRLM also facilitates credit mobilisation for SHGs in the form of bank loans. In order to reduce the effective cost of bank credit to women SHGs, DAY-NRLM is providing interest subvention to SHGs on loans from banks from FinancialYear 2013-14. In addition, capacity building and technological support is also provided to the target households for taking up income generating activities both in farm and non-farm sectors.

DAY-NRLM has following sub-schemes focussing on self-employment of the rural poor:

(i) Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs), enabling a trainee to take bank credit and start his/her own Micro-enterprise. Under RSETIs, opportunities are being made available to rural women by way of skill training with Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) inputs to start self-employment ventures. The number of total candidates trained/settled, women candidates trained/settled during 2018-19 and 2019-20 (upto June, 2019) is given below:-

Sl. No. Financial Year Total Trained Total Settled/ Total Women Total Women
Placed Candidates Candidates
Trained Settled /

1 2018-19 403672 296307 273800 198693

2 2019-20
(up to June 2019) 74144 33922 52886 22236

(ii) Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) for facilitating the rural poor for setting up of micro Enterprises. Under SVEP 53,084 entrepreneurships have been set up upto 31st May, 2019.

(iii) Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY) to facilitate transport facilities in the rural areas which also provides self employment opportunities to the rural poor. Under AGEY 730 Vehicles are operational as on 31st May, 2019.

(b): Under DAY - NRLM programme, Revolving Funds (RF) of Rs.38.9 lakh has been given to 325 SHGs in Satna District. The details of candidates trained/settled, women candidates trained/settledthrough RSETI in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh during 2018-19 and 2019-20 (upto June, 2019) is given below:-

Sl. No. Financial Year Total Trained Total Settled/ Total Women Total Women
Placed Candidates Candidates
Trained Settled /

1 2018-19 5788 4126 3590 2388

2 2019-20
(up to June 2019) 122 61 122 39

(c): During the financial year 2018-19 a total loan amount of Rs.60,923.38 Crore has been disbursed to women SHGs in rural areas across the country under the mission. In Satna District an amount of Rs.116.86 lakh has been given to women SHGs as bank loan.


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