Question : Ceasefire Violation

(a) whether incidents of ceasefire violations by firing from across the border
have been reported at the borders;

(b) if so, the number of such incidents reported during the current year and the number of deaths and injury to civilian and security forces along with the damage to property reported, State and border wise;

(c) whether the Government has any plan to build community bunkers along
Indo-Pak and Indo-China borders for protection against shelling;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the areas identified and funds earmarked there for along with the number of villages/persons likely to be benefited;

(e) the measures taken by the Government to curb incidents of ceasefire
violations and to take up the matter with the Pakistan Government; and

(f) the response of the Pakistan Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b):The details of ceasefire violations alongwith casualties/ injuries to Security Force (SF) personnel and civilians during the current year along the International Border (IB) and Line of Control (LC) in J&K, are as under: -

LS.US.Q.No. 1470 FOR 26.07.2016

Name of the Location No. of ceasefire violation Causalities/ injuries to SF/ civilians
LC 14 Causality-01
IB 02 Nil

(c) & (d)A project for construction of 60 bunkers @ Rs.5 lakh each i.e. total cost of Rs.3 crore along International Border for safeguards of the civilians during cross border firings has been approved.
(e)& (f)The following measures have been taken by the Government to check ceasefire violations at the borders:
i) Director General level talks in between BSF and Pak Rangers was held at New Delhi in September, 2015 in which both sides agreed to restrain from cross border firing.
ii) Proper defence preparedness (including strengthening of Nakas, field fortifications, high mast lights etc.) is ensured on the International Border.
iii) Immediate and effective retaliation by BSF Personnel is carried out to instances of unprovoked fire and ceasefire violations.
iv) Mechanism has been instituted at Border Out Posts (BOPs) and border areas to expeditiously inform the villagers on occurrence of cross-border firing.

LS.US.Q.No. 1470 FOR 26.07.2016
v) BSF regularly interacts with border population situated close to border and educates them not to move in vicinity of areas prone to unprovoked fire without prior information / permission of BSF.
vi) Bullet Proof bunkers and ambulances are kept in readiness at convenient locations for evacuation of persons in case of emergency.
(vii) Diplomatically, India has repeatedly emphasised, including at the highest level, the need for Pakistan to uphold the sanctity of the Line of Control (LC) and abide by the ceasefire commitment of 2003 along the International Border and LC. Ceasefire violations are taken up with Pakistani authorities through the established mechanism of hotlines, flag meetings as well as talks between the Directorate General of Military Operations.

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