Question : Restructuring of ICDS

(a) the details of schemes being implemented under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme which are directly targeted interventions to address the problem of malnutrition across the country along with the total number of beneficiaries under these schemes, State/UT-wise including Kerala;
(b) whether the Government has proposed to restructure/revamp the ICDS scheme, if so, the details thereof;
(c) the number of complaints received/ registered against irregularities in ICDS programme during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;
(d) whether the Government has conducted any survey to ascertain the number of multi-crore corruption cases in implementation of ICDS Scheme in various States across the country and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise including Assam; and
(e) the steps taken or being taken by the Government for effective implementation of ICDS programme to reduce infant mortality rate in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Ministry is implementing several schemes and programs like Anganwadi Services, Scheme for Adolescent Girls and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojna under the Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services Scheme as direct targeted interventions to address the problem of malnutrition in the country. POSHAN Abhiyaan has been set up to act as an apex body for monitoring and guiding the nutrition related issues of various government schemes.

Anganwadi Services scheme provides six child development related services i.e. Supplementary Nutrition, Pre-school Education, Health & Nutrition Education, Immunization, Health check-up and Referral Services. The services are provided at the Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) through Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) to more than 8.75 crore beneficiaries. State-wise number of beneficiaries (including Kerala) under the Anganwadi Services Scheme is placed at Annexure-I.

Under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), maternity benefit of ? 5,000/- is provided in three installments to eligible PW&LM during the period of pregnancy and lactation. The eligible beneficiary also receive the cash incentive as per approved norms towards maternity benefit under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) after institutional delivery so that on an average, a woman gets ? 6,000/-. State-wise number of beneficiaries (including Kerala) is placed at Annexure-II.

Scheme for Adolescent Girls is implemented to improve the nutritional and health status of out of school adolescent girls of age 11-14 years and to upgrade their skills. The scheme is implemented in all the districts of the country w.e.f 01.04.2018. Nutrition support @ Rs. 9.5 per beneficiary per day for 300 days in a year is provided under the scheme. In addition, to providing nutritional support to the adolescent girls, the scheme aims to motivate out of school girls to go back to formal schooling /skill training under its Non –Nutrition component. Information on health, hygiene and guidance on existing public services is provided under the scheme. State-wise number of beneficiaries (including Kerala) covered under the SAG is placed at Annexure-III.

Government has set up POSHAN Abhiyaan on 18.12.2017 for a three year time frame commencing from 2017-18. The goals of POSHAN Abhiyaan are to reduce stunting in children (0-6 years), under-nutrition (underweight prevalence) in children (0-6 years) and Low Birth Weight @2% per annum and reduce anaemia among young children (6-59 months), women and adolescent girls @3% per annum across the country. POSHAN Abhiyaan is not a beneficiary centric scheme.
(b) The revision/revamping of the ICDS Scheme is a continuous process. In the beginning of 12th Five Year Plan, the Scheme was restructured with introduction of several components for strengthening and widening the scope of delivery of services. Further in 2017, a number of initiatives have been introduced i.e. construction of Anganwadi Centre Buildings in convergence with MGNREGS, provision of toilet and drinking water facilities in Anganwadi Centres, etc.

(c) During the last 3 years and the current year, 36 complaints have been received regarding improper implementation of the Scheme. The details of the complaints have been tabulated as below:

S.No. State/UT 2015 2016 2017 2018
1. Assam - 2 - -
2. Bihar - 1 2 1
3. Chandigarh - 1 - -
4. Chhattisgarh - 1 - -
5. Delhi - 1 - -
6. Maharashtra 2 1 1 -
7. Madhya Pradesh - 5 3 1
8. Meghalaya - 1 - -
9. Odisha - 1 - -
10. Uttar Pradesh - 5 2 2
11. Uttarakhand - 2 1 -
Total 2 21 9 4

Since the Scheme is implemented by States/UTs, these complaints are referred to State Governments. Any case involving serious allegation, the report is sought from the State Governments.

(d): Complaints as and when received are forwarded to States/UTs for taking suitable action as the States/UTs implement the Anganwadi Services. However, no such survey has been conducted.

(e): In order to reduce the infant mortality rate, besides Anganwadi Services and several programmes implemented by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, POSHAN Abhiyaan ensures convergence with various other programmes; IT enabled Common Application Software for strengthening service delivery and interventions; Community Mobilization and Awareness Advocacy leading to Jan Andolan - to educate the people on nutritional aspects; Capacity Building of frontline functionaries, etc.

To reduce Infant Mortality Rate and improve child health practices, various programmes and schemes under National Health Mission are being implemented by States/ UTs. These are:

(1) Promotion of Institutional deliveries through cash incentive under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) which entitles all pregnant women delivering in public health institutions to absolutely free ante-natal check-ups, delivery including Caesarean section, post-natal care and treatment of sick infants till one year of age.

(2) Strengthening of delivery points for providing comprehensive and quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) Services, ensuring essential newborn care at all delivery points, establishment of Special Newborn Care Units (SNCU), Newborn Stabilization Units (NBSU) and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) units for care of sick and small babies. Comprehensive Lactation Management Centres (CLMCs) at facilities with SNCU and Lactation Management Units (LMUs) at Sub-district level are made functional to ensure availability of Human Milk for feeding small new-borns. Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC) and Home Based Care of Young Children (HBYC) are being provided by ASHAs to improve child rearing practices.

(3) Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for first six months and appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are promoted by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in convergence with this Ministry. Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) are observed for provision of maternal and child health services and creating awareness on maternal and child care including health and nutrition education. Mothers’ Absolute Affection (MAA) programme for improving breastfeeding practices (Initial Breastfeeding within one hour, Exclusive Breastfeeding up to six months and complementary feeding up to two years) through mass media campaigns and capacity building of health care providers in health facilities as well as in communities.

(4) Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) is being supported to provide vaccination to children against life threatening diseases such as Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Measles, Rubella, Pneumonia and Meningitis caused by Haemophilus Influenzae B. “Mission Indradhanush and Intensified Mission Indradhanush” was launched to immunize children who are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated i.e. those that have not been covered during the rounds of routine immunization for various reasons.

(5) Name based tracking of mothers and children till two years of age (Mother and Child Tracking System) is done to ensure complete antenatal, intranatal, postnatal care and complete immunization as per schedule

(6) Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs) have been set up at public health facilities to treat and manage the children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) admitted with medical complications.

(7) Iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation for the prevention of anaemia among the vulnerable age groups, home visits by ASHAs to promote exclusive breast feeding and promote use of ORS and Zinc for management of diarrhoea in children.

(8) Health and nutrition education through Information, Education & Communication (IEC) and Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) to promote healthy practices and create awareness to generate demand and improve service uptake.

(9) Capacity building of health care providers: Various trainings are being conducted to build and upgrade the skills of health care providers in basic and comprehensive obstetric care of mother during pregnancy, delivery and essential new-born care.


Statement referred to in part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4522 regarding "Restructuring of ICDS"

Anganwadi Centres Sanctioned and Operational under Anganwadi Services Scheme as on 31.03.2019
S. No State/UTs No. of ICDS Projects No. of Anganwadi Centres Beneficiaries of Supplementary Nutrition Beneficiaries of Pre-school Education
Sanctioned Operational Sanctioned Operational Children (6 months - 3 years) Children (3 - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Pregnant & lactating Mothers (P&LM) Total Beneficiaries (Children 6 mo-6 years plus P&LM) Boys (3 - 6 years) Girls (3 - 6 years) Total (3 - 6 years)
1 Andhra Pradesh 257 257 55607 55607 1428615 835787 2264402 654975 2919377 425765 429366 855131
2 Telangana 149 149 35700 35634 950000 550000 1500000 400000 1900000 319213 320160 639373
3 Arunachal Pradesh 98 98 6225 6225 92437 96623 189060 24517 213577 48662 47961 96623
4 Assam 231 231 62153 62153 1450009 1580668 3030677 594296 3624973 798997 770373 1569370
5 Bihar 544 544 115009 99583 2458176 3511680 5969856 1404672 7374528 1322649 1359236 2681885
6 Chhattisgarh 220 220 52474 51215 1218800 997200 2216000 493800 2709800 383582 389108 772690
7 Goa 11 11 1262 1262 36098 16898 52996 14637 67633 8304 8459 16763
8 Gujarat 336 336 53029 53029 1697190 1407503 3104693 744902 3849595 731345 711848 1443193
9 Haryana 148 148 25962 25962 571150 268189 839339 263553 1102892 133976 134213 268189
10 Himachal Pradesh 78 78 18925 18925 242255 155857 398112 96365 494477 51275 51428 102703
11 Jammu & Kashmir 141 141 31938 29599 410165 388285 798450 159609 958059 133533 128803 262336
12 Jharkhand 224 224 38432 38432 1676737 1067818 2744555 718337 3462892 579557 654976 1234533
13 Karnataka 204 204 65911 65911 2314824 1633913 3948737 895465 4844202 756722 761405 1518127
14 Kerala 258 258 33318 33244 434574 380920 815494 304349 1119843 198866 182054 380920
15 Madhya Pradesh 453 453 97135 97135 3310508 3260935 6571443 1426266 7997709 1774542 1773200 3547742
16 Maharashtra 553 553 110486 110219 2583119 2613035 5196154 961743 6157897 1265417 1266428 2531845
17 Manipur 43 43 11510 11510 163401 177583 340984 67208 408192 89622 87961 177583
18 Meghalaya 41 41 5896 5896 208905 245214 454119 73879 527998 96680 95944 192624
19 Mizoram 27 27 2244 2244 72283 82939 155222 28150 183372 27851 28483 56334
20 Nagaland 60 60 3980 3980 133392 145418 278810 34366 313176 73028 71181 144209
21 Odisha 338 338 74154 72587 1871082 2047340 3918422 725129 4643551 1044813 1002527 2047340
22 Punjab 155 155 27314 27279 395846 275650 671496 186289 857785 140745 135223 275968
23 Rajasthan 304 304 62010 61974 1709488 957669 2667157 875613 3542770 478010 493403 971413
24 Sikkim 13 13 1308 1308 14500 10000 24500 5800 30300 6285 6215 12500
25 Tamil Nadu 434 434 54439 54439 1781128 659024 2440152 732488 3172640 558896 543460 1102356
26 Tripura 56 56 10145 9911 160446 171907 332353 69304 401657 86945 84962 171907
27 Uttar Pradesh 897 897 190145 187997 8334903 4057703 12392606 3548330 15940936 2146348 1911355 4057703
28 Uttrakhand 105 105 20067 20067 431166 165896 597062 177003 774065 77200 80506 157706
29 West Bengal 576 576 119481 116107 3063226 2848092 5911318 1366355 7277673 1388168 1335134 2723302
30 A & N Islands 5 5 720 720 7423 2168 9591 2375 11966 1079 1089 2168
31 Chandigarh** 3 3 450 450 21641 26906 48547 7231 55778 13991 12915 26906
32 Delhi* 95 95 10897 10897 302812 134234 437046 114264 551310 65895 68339 134234
33 Dadra & N Haveli 2 2 302 302 8888 10475 19363 3523 22886 5185 5290 10475
34 Daman & Diu 2 2 107 107 2762 2388 5150 1451 6601 1156 1232 2388
35 Lakshadweep 9 9 107 107 2607 843 3450 1148 4598 406 437 843
36 Puducherry 5 5 855 855 24210 2596 26806 9157 35963 1309 1287 2596
All India 7075 7075 1399697 [1400000 earlier sanctioned by GOI] 1372872 39584766 30789356 70374122 17186549 87560671 15236017 14955961 30191978
Based on State/UTs level consolidated report.
*253 AWCs surrendered by NCT of Delhi accepted in MWCD vide order no11-33/2015-CD-I Dated 16 November 2018.
** 50 AWCs surrendered by Chandigarh Administration accepted in MWCD vide order no.11-33/2015-CD dated 21 Dec., 2018


Statement referred to in Lok Sabha USQ No. 4522 for answer on 19.07.2019 regarding “Restructuring of ICDS”

State/UT-wise, including Kerala, details of number of beneficiaries enrolled, number of beneficiaries paid and total amount disbursed under the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) (As on 16.07.2019)
Sl. No. State/ UT Name Number of Beneficiaries enrolled Number of Beneficiaries Paid Total Amount Disbursed (In Rupees)
All India Total 1,01,68,924 88,80,383 34638565000
1 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 3,516 3,399 14452000
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 7,11,017 6,38,094 2640000000
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 8,262 6,969 26847000
4 ASSAM 2,59,107 2,25,357 781000000
5 BIHAR 5,76,751 4,19,841 1210000000
6 CHANDIGARH 13,040 12,237 48007000
7 CHHATTISGARH 2,72,439 2,34,038 807000000
8 DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI 4,539 3,869 12991000
9 DAMAN AND DIU 2,623 1,913 6678000
10 DELHI 1,05,789 95,701 389000000
11 GOA 9,960 9,323 38369000
12 GUJARAT 4,78,555 4,44,898 1940000000
13 HARYANA 2,96,799 2,65,474 1110000000
14 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1,05,715 95,707 383000000
15 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 1,02,710 86,965 345000000
16 JHARKHAND 2,65,979 2,19,495 813000000
17 KARNATAKA 5,53,814 5,11,080 2180000000
18 KERALA 3,23,648 2,91,079 1140000000
19 LAKSHADWEEP 601 484 1546000
20 MADHYA PRADESH 12,28,862 11,37,985 4490000000
21 MAHARASHTRA 9,87,596 8,32,539 3510000000
22 MANIPUR 22,234 16,046 75355000
23 MEGHALAYA 8,476 7,828 29872000
24 MIZORAM 13,286 12,591 54297000
25 NAGALAND 7,729 6,076 27211000
26 ODISHA* 7 5 23000
27 PUDUCHERRY 11,050 9,279 38204000
28 PUNJAB 2,08,511 1,88,122 795000000
29 RAJASTHAN 8,37,518 7,51,332 2830000000
30 SIKKIM 5,031 4,672 19713000
31 TAMIL NADU 2,80,623 2,26,174 522000000
32 TELANGANA** 3 0 0
33 TRIPURA 36,922 30,083 106000000
34 UTTAR PRADESH 18,31,777 16,09,150 6240000000
35 UTTARAKHAND 84,676 77,871 294000000
36 WEST BENGAL 5,09,759 4,04,707 1720000000

* The State is implementing its own Maternity Benefit Programme. The Ministry allows the State to implement PMMVY with State''s Maternity Programme under co-branding.
** The State is implementing its own Maternity Benefit Programme. The Ministry allows the State to implement PMMVY with State''s Maternity Programme under co-branding. Technical integration has been tested.


Statement referred to in part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4522 regarding "Restructuring of ICDS"

Nutrition beneficiaries under SAG during last three years

S.No. States/UTs Nutrition Beneficiaries (11-14 out of school girls)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Andhra Pradesh 15261 14763 39181
2 Arunachal Pradesh 526 266
3 Assam 74727 54352
4 Bihar 492609 396805 130222
5 Chhattisgarh 14681 13673 16093
6 Goa 42 45 21
7 Gujarat NR NR 174620
8 Haryana 592 667 5066
9 Himachal Pradesh 944 939 630
10 Jammu & Kashmir 9480 NR 16963
11 Jharkhand 58568 63515
12 Karnataka 48971 28022 58670
13 Kerala 276 712
14 Madhya Pradesh 122230 125452 305000
15 Maharashtra 56936 45898 24478
16 Manipur 5079 5061 4056
17 Meghalaya 1801 1852 1655
18 Mizoram 1124 897 715
19 Nagaland 10326 6455 7320
20 Orissa 58217 56893
21 Punjab 4338 2143 4339
22 Rajasthan NR NR 173591
23 Sikkim NR 6
24 Tamil Nadu 2453 2337
25 Telangana 8369 19410
26 Tripura 2930 971 56045
27 Uttar Pradesh 496000 NR 277000
28 Uttaranchal NR NR
29 West Bengal 1996 2842 43287
30 A&N Islands 31 25 21
31 Chandigarh 220 186 55
32 Daman & Diu 0 0 20
33 D & NH 652 NR
34 Delhi 5029 3383 2152
35 Lakshadweep 9 10 7
36 Pondicherry 16 18 22
Total 1494433 773836 1414991

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