Question : Implementation of Modern Techniques in Agriculture

(a) whether cultivation is the main source of livelihood for the rural people;

(b) whether most of the farmers are still following age old agricultural practices;

(c) if so, whether the Government has taken measures to create awareness among the farmers about new farming techniques and educate them to adopt modern techniques to get good harvest at affordable expenditure;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise including Maharashtra;

(e) whether the said awareness programmes are held frequently in each and every rural area of the country; and

(f) if so, the details thereof, State-wise including Jharkhand?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): Yes Madam. As per the results of ‘Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households’ conducted by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 2013, about 63.5 percent of the agricultural households in the rural areas of the country reported cultivation as their principal source of income. Details of the number of farmers still following age old practices are not available in the Survey.

(c) to (f): Government has been taking various initiatives to create awareness among farmers about new techniques through such programmes as extension reforms, Mass Media Support to Agricultural Extension, Kisan Call Centers, Agri-Clinics and Agri-business Centers, Exhibitions/Fairs, etc. A Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms’ popularly known as ATMA Scheme is being implemented in 676 districts of 29 states & 3 UTs of the country, including all the districts of Maharashtra & Jharkhand. The scheme promotes decentralized and farmer-friendly extension system in the country. Under the


Scheme, Grants-in-aid is released to the State Governments {In the ratio of 60:40 (Centre:State) to General States, 90:10 for North-Eastern & 3 Himalayan States and 100% for UTs} with an objective to support State Government’s efforts to revitalize their extension system and making available the latest agricultural technologies and good agricultural practices in different thematic areas. The extension activities include farmers training, demonstrations, exposure visits, Kisan Mela, mobilization of Farmers Groups and organizing Farm Schools, etc.

Since inception w.e.f. 2005-06 to 2018-19 (upto 6th December, 2018), over 483.82 lakh farmers have been benefitted through different extension activities under the Scheme. Details are given in the Annexure.

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