Question : Subsidy to Pilgrims of Chardham Yatra

(a) whether the Government is considering to provide subsidy to pilgrims of Chardham yatra in Uttarakhand to promote tourism;
(b) the special assistance provided to Uttarakhand to promote tourism in view of the devastation in recent years, which has taken a toll on the prospects of State;
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No, Madam.

(b) & (c): Ministry of Tourism sanctioned 11 projects to the State Government of Uttarakhand for Rs.72.54 Crore as a special financial package for rebuilding destroyed/damaged State Government tourism assets in the year 2013-14. In addition to this Rs. 145.17 Crore was sanctioned as Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to the State Government of Uttarakhand in the year 2013-14. Rs.80.37 Crore was sanctioned as CFA under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme and Rs.34.78 Crore was sanctioned as CFA under the PRASAD Scheme in the year 2015-16. Details are at Annexure.

(d): Does not arise.


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