(a) whether there is a mismatch between production/ procurement and available storage capacity of food- grains, if so the details thereof and the corrective steps taken in this regard, State-wise;

(b) the buffer norms along with actual stocks held by Government agencies and the quantum reported unfit for consumption during the last three years, State-wise;

(c) the quantum of foodgrains exported out of the said stocks during the said period; and (d ) the remedial steps being taken by the Government to check damage to foodgrains and the success achi- eved therein?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No, Madam. There is sufficient storage capacity available with Food Corporation of India (FCI) and States agencies for stocking of foodgrains procured for Central Pool.
Procurement level of wheat and rice during last year was 280 LMT (RMS 2014-15) and 318 LMT (KMS 2013-14) respectively. Against this the total storage capacity available with FCI and State agencies for storage of central pool stocks is 709 lakh MT and the actual stock level was 343 lakh MT as on 31.03.2015.

To meet the requirements, additional storage has been created by FCI by constructing new godowns directly and through private investors in PPP mode.

(b): The current buffer norms (w.e.f. 22.1.2015) and strategic reserve for foodgrains held by Government agencies are given as under :-

(Figures in lakh MTs) As on Buffer Norms Strategic Reserve Grand Total Rice Wheat Total Rice Wheat 1st April 115.80 44.60 160.40 20 30 210.40 1st July 115.40 245.80 361.20 20 30 411.20 1st October 82.50 175.20 257.70 20 30 307.70 1st January 56.10 108.00 164.10 20 30 214.10 The actual stocks held by the Government agencies as on 1st of April in 2013, 2014 and 2015 is at Annexure-I. The quantities of foodgrains reported unfit for consumption during last three years is at Annexure-II.

(c): There has been no export of rice from stock held by Government agencies during last three years.However, following quanties of wheat were exported during the last three years.

Year Qty. Exported (LMT) 2012-13 28.99 2013-14 25.72 2014-15 3.27 Total 57.98

(d): For proper storage and management of foodgrains, the following steps are being taken:

1. FCI maintains a close and regular liaison with the State Governments, Railways and other agencies for effective coordination in procurement, stocking, transportation and distribution of the foodgrains.

2. Normal precautions like cleaning, proper stacking, spraying of insecticide, fumigation, pests control, inspection and surveillance are taken during storage to maintain quality of the foodgrains.

3. Augmenting of storage capacity by FCI.

Due to remedial steps taken by FCI, the percentage of damaged food grains against offtake has been reduced from 0.047% during the year 2013-14 to 0.037% in 2014-15 (upto 01-04-2015).