Question : Blending of Bio-Fuel and Bio-Ethanol

(a) whether the Government proposes to carry out the production of bio-ethanol using bamboo and if so, the details thereof along with expenditure incurred thereon;
(b) whether the Government proposes to prepare a roadmap to accelerate the implementation of Bio-fuel programme in the country and has constituted a working group for creating synergy between various Ministries, develop awareness and conduct programmes for the purpose and if so, the details thereof; and
(c) whether new initiatives have been taken by the Government for effective implementation of blending and marketing of Bio-diesel and Bio-ethanol and to convert urban solid and plastic/agricultural wastes into fuels and if so, the progress made in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) : A statement is laid on the Table of the House.
Statement referred to in reply to Part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 208 to be answered on 01.08.2016 regarding “Blending of Bio-Fuel and Bio-Ethanol” by Shri Ravinder Kushawaha and Shri Ram Tahal Choudhary
(a): Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) has completed the Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for a project to set up a bio-refinery for production of 49 TMT of bio-ethanol per annum from bamboo, in collaboration with M/s Chempolis Oy, Finland, at a project cost of Rs. 950 crores.
(b) A Working Group has been constituted to inter-alia achieve coordination with bio-diesel and ethanol industry, other Ministries and bulk users. The Working Group is also entrusted with the task of conducting road shows, workshops, seminars and other such awareness programmes to popularize and increase bio-fuel consumption in coordination with Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA).
(c) In order to improve the availability of ethanol, the Government on 10.12.2014 has, inter-alia, decided to fix the delivered price of ethanol in the range of Rs.48.50 per litre to 49.50 per litre. Procurement of ethanol produced from other non-food feedstock besides molasses, like cellulosic and ligno cellulosic materials including petrochemical route, subject to meeting the relevant BIS Standards, has also been opened.
The Government has also allowed the sale of Bio-diesel (B100) by private manufacturers to bulk consumers like Railways, State Transport Corporations and other bulk consumers. Retailing of bio-diesel blended diesel by Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) has been started on 10.8.2015.
Public Sector OMCs have also been asked to explore the possibility of commercial production of ethanol from lignocelluloses feedstock like agricultural waste. Some of the Oil PSUs have issued Letter of Intent (LOIs) for setting up plants to convert urban solid / plastic waste to fuel.

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