(a) The number of applications pending with the Union Government particularly of Maharashtra seeking licence for prospecting and mining lease, State-wise;

(b) the number of applications disposed of during the last three years, State-wise; and

(c) the steps being taken to dispose of the remaining applications ?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(c): Under Section 10 (3) of Mines and Minerals ( Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 Reconnaissance Permits, Prospecting Licences and Mining Leases are granted by the State Government concerned. Proposals for prior approval of the Central Government for grant of mineral concessions for minerals specified under the First Schedule to the aforesaid Act originate from the respective State Governments and are processed and disposed of by the Central Government as per provisions of law. All efforts are made to expedite approval of Central Government in least possible time. In certain cases, the proposals received from the State Governments are found incomplete and consequently, in such cases, the State Governments are asked to furnish complete information/additional information for expeditious disposal of such cases.

67 applications for grant of reconnaissance permits, prospecting licences and mining leases are pending with the Central Government including 4 proposals from Maharashtra on 26.4.2002. 762 applications for grant of mineral concessions have been disposed of during the years 1999-2000 , 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. The State-wise details are given in the Annexure.


Annexure referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 5228 for 29.4.2002 asked by Shri Haribhau Shankar Mahale regarding Pending Applications for Mining Lease

Sl.No.	State	No. of proposals	disposed during 1999-2002	No. of proposals	pending on	26.4.2002
1. Andhra Pradesh 140 02

2. Bihar 18 -

3. Goa 12 01

4. Gujarat 34 02

5. Haryana 07 - 6. Himachal Pradesh 06 -

7 Jammu & Kashmir 03 -

8. Karnataka 80 14

9. Kerala 22 05 10. Madhya Pradesh 68 05 11. Maharashtra 48 04 12. Orissa 95 12 13. Rajasthan 96 11 14. Sikkim 02 - 15. Tamil Nadu 115 01 16. Uttar Pradesh 03 - 17. Jharkhand 10 03 18. Chhattisgarh 03 07
Total: 762 67