Question : Development Works in LWE Areas

(a) the role played by Special Central Assistance (SCA) scheme to carry out developmental works in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) districts throughout the country;

(b) the funds released under the Special Central Assistance (SCA) for the most Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts in the country during the last three years, State-wise and district-wise;

(c) whether there has been any change in the number of LWE affected districts in the country, if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the number of districts which have seen the largest decline of LWE influence during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d):
i. As per Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, subjects of Police and Public Order are with the State Governments. However, the Government of India (GoI) has been supplementing the efforts of States affected by left wing extremism as envisaged in the ‘National Policy and Action Plan to address Left Wing Extremism’, which was launched in 2015.

ii. On development front, apart from implementing flagship schemes, the Government of India (GoI) has taken several specific initiatives in LWE affected States, with special thrust on expansion of road network, improving telecommunication connectivity, skilling and financial inclusion.

iii. For further impetus, funds are provided to LWE Affected States under ‘Special Central Assistance (SCA)’ scheme to fill critical gaps in Public Infrastructure & Services in Most LWE Affected Districts. Under SCA, funds are provided to States. Rs.2423.24 crore has been released to the States under the scheme in last 03 years and 7815 works have been completed in the last 03 years. In the current financial year Rs.480 crore has been released. The State/district-wise release of funds is given in Annexure-I.

iv. The steadfast implementation of the policy has resulted in consistent decline in violence & constriction of geographical spread.

v. The incidents of LWE violence have reduced by 77% from all time high of 2258 in 2009 to 509 in 2021. Similarly resultant deaths

(Civilians + Security Forces) have reduced by 85% from all time high of 1005 in 2010 to 147 in 2021.

vi. The Security Related Expenditure (SRE) districts, considered as LWE affected, have been reviewed twice in last 04 years with reduction from 126 to 90 in the year 2018, and further to 70 in July-2021. The districts reporting LWE violence also reduced from 96 (2010) to 46 (2021).


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