(a) to (d): This Ministry has reviewed the issues relevant to the sudden increase in the cases of crime and prepared an action plan for bringing a perceptible change in the working of Delhi Police. An action Plan to reduce the number of road accidents in NCT of Delhi has also been prepared for implementation by Delhi Police. The Special Task Force (STF) constituted on 1st January, 2013 under the Chairmanship of Union Home Secretary constantly reviews the safety issues of women in Delhi and issues directions and also continuously reviews the action taken by the Delhi Police and various Departments of Delhi Administration on these issues. The Task Force has met 9 times so far and the last metting of STF was held on 16th May, 2015. The outcome of the above review is the result of gaps identified in the system and action taken by the stakeholders to fill the gaps and also to improvise the system.
L.S.US.Q.NO. 2356 FOR 04.08.2015
(e): The steps taken by the Government to strengthen the Delhi Police establishment include increase in the number of lines of Helpline No.100 from 60 to 100; increase in number of lines of Women Helpline No.1091 from 4 to 10; sanction of 370 PCR vans; financial assistance under various Plan and Non-Plan schemes/ projects including modernization of traffic and communication network of Delhi Police, Delhi Police Building Programme, Induction of Latest Technology & Capacity Building, Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), CCTV Project etc.
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