Question : Targets Achieved under JJM in Karnataka

(a) the details of the targets achieved under JJM till now in Karnataka;
(b) the details of the targets achieved and funds allocated and disbursed, district-wise;
(c) whether the use of MIS and asset tagging is done in the mission; and
(d) if so, the village level details thereof in the district of Belagavi and if not, whether the Government intends to do this in future?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As reported by the State of Karnataka, at the time of announcement of JJM on 15th August, 2019, out of 89.61 lakh rural households, 24.51 lakh households (27%) were reported to have tap water connections. Since then, 2.76 lakh (3%) rural households have been provided tap water connections. Thus, as on 15.03.2021, out of 91.19 lakh rural households in the State, 27.27 lakh (29.91%) are getting potable water through tap water connections.
(b) to (d) Under JJM, in 2019-20, the entire allocated amount of Rs. 546.06 Crore was drawn by the State. However, in 2020-21, out of Rs. 1,189.40 Crore allocated to the State, so far only Rs. 296.29 Crore have been drawn by the Government of Karnataka. District-wise allocation of funds are made by the StateGovernment level.
Under JJM, provision is there to geo-tag every asset created. The district-wise &village-level status of physical achievements made under JJM across the country, including Belagavi district in the State of Karnataka, is available on JJM dashboard at:

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