(a): The National AIDS Control Project - Phase II is a 100%
Centrally Sponsored Scheme, being implemented all over the
country through 38 State AIDS Control Societies. An
outlay of Rs.1941.91 crore has been provided for the
National AIDS Control Project - Phase II. The break-up is
as follows:-
1. Government of India .. Rs. 1155 crore (Including World Bank Assistance)
2. USAID assistance for .. Rs. 166 crore AVERT Project in Maharashtra.
3. USAID assistance for .. Rs.64.58 crores APAC Project in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry.
4. DFID assistance for .. Rs. 487.40 crore PSH Project
5. CIDA assistance .. Rs.37.81 crores
6. UNDP assistance .. Rs.6.47 crores
7 AusAID assistance .. Rs. 24.65 crores
AusAID assistance has been dispensed with before the launch of the project.
Further, Global Fund assistance for Rs.122.74 crores
for two years has been approved as an additionalily to X
Five Year Plan provision for the project.
Apart from the actual Government of India contribution,
the entire money for this Project is first made available by
the Government in the budget, and then reimbursement is
claimed from the external funding agency after expenditure
in incurred.
(b): The assistance received during 2004-05 is as follows:-
Rs. in crores
World Bank 107.92 assistance
USAID 19.64 assistance(APAC & AVERT) DFID assistance 31.47 CIDA Assistance Nil UNDP Assistance 4.20
(c): A statement is enclosed.
(d): The aim of the National AIDS prevention and Control
Programme is to effective containment of infection in
general population so as to achieve Zero rates of growth of
new infection by 2007 . In this regard, HIV burden is
estimated on an annual basis through sentinel sites for
different risk groups. The year wise estimates for the last
3 years are as below:
Year Estimates in millions
2002 4.58 2003 5.106 2004 5.134
Statement in reply to Part (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4353 For 24.8.2005
National AIDS Control Project - Phase II Position of release of funds
S.No. State/UT During 2004-05
World Bank
1 Andhra Pr 1692.45
2 Arunachal Pr 285.50
3 Assam 1214.50
4 Bihar 1079.50
5 Goa 163.50
6 Gujarat 565.00
7 Haryana 266.00
8 Himachal Pr 423.50
9 J&K 279.50
10 Karnataka 1664.50
11 Kerala 553.00
12 Madhya Pr 855.50
13 Maharashtra 1625.50
14 Manipur 1847.75
15 Meghalaya 15.50
16 Mizoram 571.50
17 Nagaland 1065.25
18 Orissa 430.00
19 Punjab 371.50
20 Rajasthan 867.50
21 Sikkim 179.00
22 Tamil Nadu 2043.50
23 Tripura 221.00
24 Uttar Pradesh 1070.80
25 West Bengal 2028.00
26 Delhi 604.00
27 Pondicherry 114.00
28 A & N Islands 180.50
29 Chandigarh 228.50
30 D&N Haveli 76.00
31 Daman & Diu 101.00
32 Lakshadweep 29.50
33 MDACS 775.00
34 Ahm`bad MC 208.30
35 Chennai MC 157.45
36 Uttaranchal 298.00
37 Chhattisgarh 429.50
38 Jharkhand 256.00
Total 24837.00
DFID assisted PSH Project
1 Andhra Pr. 1360.00
2 Gujarat 992.00
3 Kerala 551.00
4 Orissa 100.00
5 Ahmedabad MC 232.00
6 West Bengal 365.00
7 Bihar 150.00
8 Uttar Pradesh 200.00
9 Madhya Pradesh 150.00
Total 4100.00
USAID Assisted Projects
1 APAC Project in 1684.00 Tamilnadu
2 AVERT Project in 885.00 Maharashtra
CIDA funded Projects
1 Karnataka 200.00
2 Rajasthan 0.00