Question : Ceasefire Violation and Terrorist Attacks

(a) whether the ceasefire violations by Pakistan and terrorist attacks have increased in the country during each of the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) the number of civilians and defence personnel from Indian Forces killed/injured in such violations/ attacks along with the number of terrorists killed in counter attacks during the said period, State/UT-wise;

(d) the number of bilateral meetings of India and Pakistan held to curb such violations/attacks during the said period along with the outcome of such meetings thereof;

(e) the details of assessment made to ascertain the losses to the Exchequer due to such attacks; and

(f) the steps taken by the Government to curb such incidents along with the other steps taken/being taken by the Government to expose Pakistan’s connection with various terrorist outfits in the international arena and the
achievements thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) Jammu and Kashmir is affected by terrorism sponsored and supported from across the border for the last three decades. The ceasefire violations by
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Pakistan are reported from the IB/LoC in Jammu and Kashmir only. The Government has adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards terrorism.
Immediate and effective retaliation is undertaken by the security forces in cases of ceasefire violations/ cross border firings. There has been a substantial decline in the terrorist attacks over the last three years, due to a slew of pre-emptive measures undertaken by the Government.
The details of the incidents of ceasefire violations, terrorist attacks, civilians and security force personnel killed/injured in ceasefire violations and terrorist attacks along with the number of terrorists killed in counter attacks during each of the last three years in Jammu and Kashmir are as under: -
Type of incident 2018 2019 2020
Ceasefire violations
Incidents 2140 3479 5133
Civilian killed 30 18 22
Civilians injured 143 127 71
Security Personnel martyred 29 19 24
Security Personnel injured 116 122 126
Terrorist attacks Incidents 614 594 244
Civilian killed 39 39 37
Civilians injured 63 188 112
Security Personnel martyred 91 80 62
Security Personnel injured 238 140 106
Terrorists killed 257 157 221

(d) The last DG level meeting of BSF and Pakistan Rangers was held from 08-10 November, 2017 at New Delhi. During this meeting, the issue of cross border

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firing was discussed, in which it was agreed upon by both sides to ensure that no such firing takes place. In case of any firing, the other side must exercise maximum restrain and immediate contact through all available means of communication be established to avoid further escalation. Flag meetings are also held on ground, on need basis, between Commanders of different level.
(e) No such assessment is made. However, compensation is provided to the civilians, security force personnel, etc. for the losses due to such attacks.
(f) Government has been consistently raising the issue of cross border terrorism and has placed high emphasis on international cooperation in combating the menace of terrorism including in bilateral, regional and international fora. Some of the steps taken by the Government to curb terrorist activities are as under:
i. Kinetic operations: actively identifying the terrorists and their tactical supporters, seeking them through operations like condone and search giving proper response if they resort to violence while being arrested etc.
ii. Preventive operations: actively identifying the strategic supporters of terrorism and initiating investigations to remove the camouflaging layers and exposing their mechanisms of aiding and abetting terrorism such as funding, recruiting etc.
iii. Night patrolling has been intensified and Nakas have been set up on all likely infiltration routes. The vehicles coming from borders areas are being thoroughly checked.
iv. Coordination meetings are being regularly conducted and high-alertness is being maintained by all the forces deployed in the area.
v. Sharing of Intelligence inputs on real time basis among all Security forces operating in J&K.
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Further to expose Pakistan’s connection with various terrorist outfits in the international arena, Government of India is also using the various evidence collected during investigations of terror attacks for inclusion in bilateral and multilateral discussions.


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