Question : Maritime Colleges and Institutions

(a) the number of maritime colleges/institutions functioning in the country at present, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether all these colleges/institutions have fulfilled all the requisite criteria and the necessary infrastructure facilities;

(c) if so, the details thereof and if not,the reasons therefor;

(d) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to increase the employment avenues in maritime sector;

(e) whether the Government decided to set up maritime clusters in various States to boost economic development along with the coastlines; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the numbers of maritime clusters that have been identified along with the time by which these maritime clusters are likely to be developed?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) At present there are a total number of 151 Maritime Training Institutes functioning in the country. All these colleges/institutions have fulfilled all the requisite criteria and the necessary infrastructure facilities. Details provided at Annexure-I.

(d) The training curriculum for the officers and the ratings was revised in 2016 not only to meet the global standards but also to meet the expectations of the foreign employers. In order to regulate the training institutes working in the private sector, a system of ‘Comprehensive Inspection Programme’ (CIP)has been designed to assess the quality of the institute on various parameters such as infrastructure, quality of students intake, quality of faculty, pedagogy, performance in examination, on-board training. To standardize the course material of these institutes, an e-learning module has been prepared by the Directorate General of Shipping and provided free of cost to all Indian seafarers to allow them to upgrade their knowledge and skills before appearing for examinations. This has helped in optimal alignment of seafarers with the global best practices followed by recruiters, thereby increasing their employment avenues.

(e) & (f) Yes Sir, the Government has indentified three maritime clusters in the State of Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Goa (one each).


List of Approved Maritime Training Institutes State/UT-wise:
Sr. No. State/UT Number of Institute
01 Andaman & Nicobar 01
02 Andhra Pradesh 04
03 Bihar 03
04 Delhi 06
05 Goa 04
06 Gujarat 04
07 Haryana 03
08 Karnataka 01
09 Kerala 05
10 Maharashtra 49
11 Orissa 03
12 Pondicherry 02
13 Sikkim 01
14 Tamil Nadu 35
15 Uttar Pradesh 10
16 Uttarakhand 02
17 West Bengal 18
Total 151


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