Question : SSA and RMSA

(a) whether Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)
have achieved the desired results in the country and if so, the details of targets set and achieved
thereunder during the last three years and the current year along with their status;
(b) the details of the funds provided / utilized, schools opened and students benefited under the
said Abhiyans during the said period, State/UT-wise, especially in Uttar Pradesh;
(c) the steps taken by the Government to ensure elementary and secondary education to every
child of the country;
(d) whether the Union Government has issued or proposes to issue directions to State
Governments to spend the funds judiciously under these Abhiyans including construction of new
school building; and
(e) if so, the details of the outcome thereof, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b): The erstwhile Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and the
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) were implemented for the universalization of
elementary education and secondary education respectively. The overall goals were universal access and
retention upto elementary level under SSA and secondary level under RMSA, bridging of gender and
social category gaps in education and enhancement of learning levels of children. In pursuance of the
proposal of the Union Budget, 2018-19, to treat school education holistically without segmentation from
pre-school to Class XII, the Department of School Education and Literacy has launched the Samagra
Shiksha - an Integrated Scheme for School Education as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with effect from
the year 2018-19. This programme subsumes the three erstwhile Centrally Sponsored Schemes of SSA,
RMSA and Teacher Education (TE).
Since inception of SSA in 2000-01, opening of 3.64 lakh new elementary schools,
construction of 3.12 lakh school buildings and 18.87 lakh additional classrooms, 2.42 lakh drinking
water facilities, 10.53 lakh toilets and 19.33 lakh teacher posts have been sanctioned to States and
UTs. Out of this, till 2017-18, 3.6 lakh elementary schools have been opened, 2.94 lakh school
buildings and 18.03 lakh additional classrooms, 2.35 lakh drinking water facilities and 10.03 lakh
school toilets have been constructed and 15.16 lakh teachers have been recruited.
Under RMSA, total 12682 schools have been approved against which 12033 schools have
been made functional till 2017-18. Besides, construction of 50713 additional classrooms, 26260
science labs, 19076 computer rooms, 25597 library rooms and 30092 Art/craft rooms have been
sanctioned for strengthening of existing secondary schools, and out of this construction of 36695
additional classrooms, 19092 science labs, 13628 computer rooms, 19013 library rooms and 21143
Art/craft room have been completed till 2017-18.
The state-wise details on central share released and utilized/expenditure incurred under
SSA and RMSA during the last three years are at Annexure I, cumulative status of schools
opened under SSA and RMSA are at Annexure II and total enrolment in Government and
Government aided schools at elementary and total enrolment in Government schools at
secondary level are at Annexure III.
(c): Samagra Shiksha, launched with effect from 2018-19, is an overarching programme for
the school education sector extending from pre-school to class XII and aims to ensure inclusive
and equitable quality education at all levels of school education. It envisages the ‘school’ as a
continuum from pre-school, primary, upper primary, secondary to senior secondary levels. An
allocation of Rs 75,000 crore over the period 1st April, 2018 to 31st March, 2020 has been
approved for the Scheme which is a 20% increase over the current allocations. Its main features,
inter alia, are as follows:
(i) Annual Grant of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 20,000/- per school for strengthening of
(ii) Composite school grant increased from Rs. 14,500-50,000 to Rs. 25,000-1 Lakh
and to be allocated on the basis of school enrolment.
(iii) Annual Grant for sports equipments at the cost of Rs. 5000 for Primary Schools,
Rs. 10,000 for upper primary schools and up to Rs. 25,000 for secondary and
senior secondary schools.
(iv) Allocation for children with Special Needs (CwSN) increased from Rs. 3,000 to
Rs. 3,500 per child per annum including a stipend of Rs. 200 per month for
CWSN girls to be provided from Classes I to XII. – earlier it was only for classes
IX to XII.
(v) Allocation for uniforms enhanced from Rs. 400 to Rs. 600 per child per annum.
(vi) Allocation for textbooks enhanced from Rs. 150/250 to Rs. 250/400 per child per
(vii) Upgradation of existing schools i.e., from primary to upper primary, from upper
primary to secondary and from secondary to senior secondary levels.
(viii) Upgradation of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) from Class 6-8 to
Class 6-12.
(ix) Strengthening Teacher Education Institutions like SCERTs and DIETs to improve
the quality of teachers with SCERT as the nodal institution for in-service and preservice
teacher training
(x) Enhanced use of digital technology in education through smart classrooms, digital
boards and DTH channels.
(d) and (e): The annual plans under the Schemes are prepared by the States and UTs based on
their requirements and priority. These plans are then appraised and approved/estimated in
consultation with the States and UTs as per the programmatic and financial norms of the
schemes and availability of budgetary resources. The expenditure under the Schemes is as per
the approved plans and governed by the Scheme Manual on Financial Management and
Procurement (FMP) and General Financial Rules (GFR). To ensure effective utilization of funds
under these Schemes including for construction of new school buildings, there are robust
monitoring systems in place to review the physical and financial progress of approved
interventions through monthly/quarterly reports, annual audit by independent Chartered
Accountants empanelled with the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, a regular
CAG audit, a system of concurrent financial reviews, as well as regular internal audit and regular
Review Meetings with all States and UTs.

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