(a): Under the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA), eligible households comprise of Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) households and priority households. There is no proposal to include other categories under NFSA. The entitlement under the Act is on per person basis for persons belonging to priority households and on household basis for AAY households. In 25 States/UTs implementing NFSA about 1.55 crore AAY households and 47.28 crore persons belonging to priority households are reported to have been identified by the States/Union Territories (UTs) and covered under the Act.
(b): It is provided in the Act that if annual allocation of foodgrains to any State under the Act is less than their average annual offtake under normal Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) for three years preceding the Act coming into force, the same shall be protected.
(c): There is no proposal to include homeless beggars as a separate category. However, the AAY, which is targeted at the poorest of the poor population, inter alia provides for coverage of landless agriculture labourers, slum dwellers, rag pickers, destitute among others. Under NFSA, AAY households are entitled to receive 35 Kg of foodgrains per household per month at the subsidized prices of Rs. 3/2/1 per Kg for rice/wheat/coarse grains. Besides, Government also allocates foodgrains to States Governments/UT Administrations for welfare institutions such as beggar homes, nari niketan etc.
(d): As reported by the States/UTs implementing the Act, ration cards under NFSA have incorporated provisions under the Act relating to per unit allocation and empowerment of women.
(e) The NFSA entitles upto 75% of the rural population and upto 50% of the urban population at the all India level to receive foodgrains at subsidized prices under TPDS, corresponding to which State-wise coverage has been determined by the Central Government. Total coverage in the country for receiving foodgrains at subsidized prices under NFSA is about 81.35 crore persons. The Act does not provide for coverage of all the households in all the States/UTs.
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