(a) whether the Union Government has received projects proposals related to health sector from the State Governments of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh;

(b) if so, the details of health project cleared and rejected by the Union Government during the last three years and the cost involved therein;

(c) the funds allocated/released by the Union Government in this regard; and

(d) the time by which proposals under consideration are likely to be cleared alongwith the reasons for their pendency?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c):
1. National Rural Health Mission(NRHM): Appraisal of proposals received form States/UTs Governments related to Health Sector is a going process. The States/UTs Govt. including State of Gujarat & MP sends their Annual PIPs to Govt. of India which are examined and approval for approved activities under NRHM is given by NPCC. Subsequently if States/UTs Govt. feel the need for some additional activities as per their specific need then they send supplementary proposal. These proposals are examined on a case to case basis and approvals are given accordingly.

For the State of Gujarat an amount of Rs.644.96 Crores by the National Programme Coordination Committee (NPCC) and additional approvals amounting to Rs 68.23 Crore (including Rs.17.20 Crore for JSSK) have been approved till date.

For the State of Madhya Pradesh an amount of Rs. 990.97 Crores by the National programme Co-ordination Committee (NPCC) and an additional Approval during the year amounting to Rs.51.56 Crores (for Janani Shishu Suraksha Karykram) has been approved till date.

Programme wise allocation, release and expenditure under NRHM is Annexure-A.

2. National AIDS Control Programme(NACP):

National AIDS Control Programme(NACP) is implemented in the States/UTs through State AIDS Control Societies.No project proposals are called for from State AIDS Control Society (SACS).Instead, the programme is implemented on the basis of an Annual Action Plan (AAP) which is prepared in consultation with State AIDS Control Society and funds are released for carrying out activities under the same. Funds allocated to the state of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh under the Annual Action Plan during the last three years are as follows:

Sr.No.	Year	Annual Action Plan (Rs. in Lakhs)

Gujarat Madhya Pradesh

1 2008-09 3552.86 2458.36

2 2009-10 4492.37 3435.79

3 2010-11 4838.62 3547.89

3. National Programme for Prevention & Control of Deafness (NPPCD)

The proposal related to National Programme for Prevention & Control of Deafness (NPPCD) was received in the state PIP 2010-11 from the State Government of Gujarat for implementation of the programme in all the 26 districts of Gujarat with the budget of Rs 656.98 lakh. It was approved to implement the programme in all the 26 districts of Gujarat with the budget of Rs 654.38 lakh, out of which Rs 238.65 lakh were released in the year 2010-11 as first instalment. The proposal related to NPPCD was received in the state PIP of 2008-09 to implement the programme in 3 districts of Madhya Pradesh and in 2009-10 to extend the programme to 3 more districts of Madhya Pradesh with the budget of Rs 97.30 lakh. It was approved to implement the programme in 6 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Rs 27.415 lakh and Rs 34.00 lakh were released by the year 2008-09 and 2009-10 respectively as first instalment.

4. National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB):

National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB), Consolidated proposals in the form of Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) are received from the State Governments including Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. These proposals are evaluated and discussed in a series of meetings under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) with the state health authorities. Funds during the year are released as per the approved PIP for the respective States/UTs. Therefore, no proposal is pending at this stage. The status of funds allocated and released to Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh under NPCB during the last three years is as under:

(rupees in lakh)

Year Allocated Released

2008-09 1394.80 1414.98

2009-10 1888.70 1888.63

2010-11 1691.00 1530.76

Madhya Pradesh
(rupees in lakh)

Year Allocated Released

2008-09 1207.72 1256.97

2009-10 1290.00 1286.78

2010-11 1000.00 1000.00

5. Department of AYUSH: The proposal related to Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Development of AYUSH hospital and dispensaries from Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The details of project proposals are at Annexure-B & C. Government of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh have not submitted the Utilization Certificates of the grants as released to them up to financial year 2009-10. Therefore, in view of the direction of Ministry of Finance, the proposals of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh have not been considered for approval.

(d): No proposal is pending.