Question : Overstay of Foreigners

(a) whether a large number of foreigners are overstaying/illegally staying in the country even after the expiry of their visas;

(b) if so, the details thereof, nationality and State-wise;

(c) the steps taken by the Government to deport them at the earliest along with the number of the foreigners deported during the last three years and the current year, country-wise;

(d) the names of the countries with whom matter relating to illegal immigrants have been taken up and the follow up action taken thereon; and

(e) the names of the countries who have been provided e-Tourist Visa facility and the number of the said visas issued till date, country-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : As per information available, 28,356 foreign nationals who came to India on valid travel documents have been found to be overstaying after expiry of their visa as on 31.12.2014.
LS.USQ.No. 2972 FIR 15.3.2016

Details of the foreign nationals found to be overstaying, nationality-wise and State-wise, are given in Annexure-I.
(c): Central Government is vested with powers to deport a foreign national under Section 3(2)(c) of the Foreigners Act, 1946. The powers to identify and deport illegally staying foreign nationals have also been delegated to the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations. Detection and deportation of such illegal immigrants is a continuous process. Details of the number of foreigners deported during 2012, 2013 and 2014, country-wise, are given in Annexure-II. Data for the year 2015 and the current year (till 29.2.2016) has not been compiled.

(d) : The issue of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh is regularly taken up with the Government of Bangladesh at various fora and steps have been taken for coordinated patrolling, identification of vulnerable gaps, strengthening of riverine patrolling etc. Bangladesh side has also been urged to take effective steps to check the illegal movements of their nationals into India, especially through vulnerable and riverine areas. Bangladesh side had also confirmed nationality of various Bangladeshi nationals who were in Indian jails/ correctional homes and such persons have been repatriated to Bangladesh.
LS.USQ.No. 2972 FIR 15.3.2016

(e) : Details of 150 countries whose nationals are eligible for grant of e-Tourist Visa facility and the number of such visas issued till date, country-wise, are given in Annexure-III.

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