Question : Status of Ujjain City under SCM

(a) the details of the projects prepared for Ujjain city, Madhya Pradesh under Smart City Mission (SCM);

(b) the present status of Ujjain under SCM along with the other details thereof;

(c) whether time bound projects have been prepared to carry out work under SCM;

(d) if so, the details of those projects which are running as per the schedule time along with their present status thereof; and

(e) whether any concrete decision has been taken in this regard, and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e) Government of India launched the Smart Cities Mission on 25 June 2015 for developing 100 cities as Smart Cities. The selection process of Smart Cities is based on the idea of Competitive and Co-operative Federalism and followed a two-stage Challenge process. The City of Ujjain was selected to be developed as Smart City in Round-2 in September, 2016.

A total of 5,151 projects at an estimated cost of Rs. 2,05,018 crores have been proposed by the 100 selected smart cities in their Smart City Proposals (SCPs). As per Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines, the Central Government proposes to give financial support to the extent of Rs. 48,000 crore over five years i.e. an average of Rs. 500 crore per city over the Mission period. An equal amount on a matching basis, is to be provided by the State/Urban Local Bodies. Apart from these, around Rs. 42,028 crore (21%) is expected from convergence with other Missions, Rs. 41,022 crore (21%) from PPP, around Rs. 9,843 crore (4.8%) from loans, Rs. 2,644 crore (1.3%) from own resources and remaining from other sources.

The SCP for the Smart City of Ujjain is for 45 projects amounting to Rs. 1924 crore. For the Smart City of Ujjain, the Government of India have released Rs. 302 crore to the State Government of Madhya Pradesh out of which the State has transferred Rs. 195.94 crore to Ujjain Smart City. As against the requirement of contributing matching share, the State Government of Madhya Pradesh has released only Rs. 146 crore to the Ujjain Smart City and as on 29th November, 2019, the Ujjain Smart City has reported utilization of Rs. 195.94 crore.

The projects under Ujjain Smart City are progressing well. Out of total 45 projects amounting to Rs. 1924 crore, tenders have been issued in 2 projects amounting to Rs. 172.05 crore, work orders have been issued in 17 projects amounting to Rs. 1342.84 crore and work has been completed in 26 projects amounting to Rs. 409.41 crore. The present status of projects of Ujjain Smart City are given in Annexure-I.


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