(a) whether the scientists of Agriculture Research Centres have developed a new variety of tomato;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the efforts being made by the Government to promote it;

(c) the details of the environment which are required for the cultivation of the newly developed variety of tomatoes;

(d) the time by which the newly developed variety of tomato is likely to be provided to the farmers; and

(e) whether the Government proposes to provide training/education to the farmers in this regard and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Madam.

(b) ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bangalore has recently developed and released a new Tomato hybrid named ‘Arka Rakshak’. This hybrid is unique and is resistant to three diseases (a) Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (b) Bacterial Wilt and (c) Early Blight. Among all the hybrids in the country, this is the only variety which is resistant to early blight. This hybrid was developed based on the parental material obtained from AVRDC, Taiwan. The hybrid has potential to yield 75-80 t/ha in 140 days and fruits weigh 90-100 g, and are suitable for fresh market and processing.

ICAR-IIHR has taken sincere and extensive steps to promote this variety through training, on-farm demonstrations, TV programmes, publishing popular articles in print media and through large scale seed multiplication.

(c) This hybrid can be virtually grown in all the Tomato growing areas of the country. However, better growth and yield can be expected in places with maximum day temperature of 25-34oC and night temperature of 18-19oC.

(d) The seeds of the above hybrid are being multiplied by the Institute and also by involving farmers through ‘Seed-Village Concept’. The parents of the hybrid have also been commercialized to Private Companies. During the period 2014-15, 500 kg seeds of the hybrid ‘Arka Rakshak’ has been produced covering 25,000 acres in the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Jharkhand. As per the demand, the steps are being taken to produce more quantity of the seeds.

(e) ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) is conducting regular trainings for the Development Department Officials from various States, Farmers, Subject-Matter Specialists of Krishi Vigyan Kendras and others, wherein, the training on cultivation practices for these hybrids is being provided. On-farm Demonstrations on these hybrids are being extensively conducted in states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Jharkhand. The concerned scientists are visiting the fields and arranging Field Days regularly so as to give details about the hybrids and popularize them. Regular enquiries are being received on the cultivation of the above hybrids which are being answered through e-mail. In the various farmers’ fields, ‘Arka Rakshak’ hybrid is found to give average yield of 80-100 tonnes per ha and farmers are able to realize higher returns. The excellent performance of this hybrid in various parts of the country has resulted in getting enquiries about its cultivation in countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and Africa.