Question : Report of AAIB on Flight Accident

(a) whether the Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) has submitted its report regarding the Air India Express flight accident at Karipur Airport, Kozhikode in August 2020;

(b) if so, the details thereof including safety concerns flagged by the AAIB;

(c) the details of the compensation paid to the next of kin of the deceased and persons injured in the crash;

(d) the details of the cases of compensation pending if any and the reasons for the delay; and

(e) whether the operation of wide-bodied airplanes is likely to be resumed at Kozhikode airport and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION

(a) & (b) The investigation by Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) is in progress and is likely to be completed by August 2021.;

(c) & (d) The compensation payable to the injured passengers/ family members of the deceased passengers is governed by the provisions of the Carriage by Air Act, 1972 and paid by the Airline. The liability is insured with New India Assurance, which in turn has re-insured it in the international market. Hence, the insurers will reimburse the legal liabilities including the compensation (interim and final) to the Airline. The status of the compensation (interim and final) paid, is as follows:
Interim Compensation:
(i) Interim compensation at the rate of Rs.10 Lakh was paid to the next of kin of 15 deceased passengers who were above the age of 12. A total of Rs. 1.5 Cr has been disbursed under this category.
(ii) Interim compensation at the rate of Rs.5 Lakh was paid to the next of kin of 4 deceased passengers who were below the age of 12. A total of Rs. 20 Lakhs has been disbursed under this category.
(iii) Interim compensation at the rate of Rs. 2 Lakh per passenger was paid to 92 passengers who were assessed as grievously injured at the time of admission by the treating doctors. A total of Rs. 1.84 Cr. has been disbursed under this category.
(iv) Interim compensation at the rate of Rs. 50,000/- per passenger was paid to 73 passengers who suffered minor injuries. The total amount paid under this category is Rs. 36.50 Lakh.
Final compensation:
(i) Final Compensation offers have been made to all the 165 injured passengers, out of which 73 passengers accepted the offer and have been paid a total amount of Rs 60.35 Cr as the final settlement as of date.
(ii) Final compensation offers have been made to all the next of kin of the deceased passengers. However, none of the next of kin has sent their acceptance as of date.

The airline is awaiting acceptance offers from 92 injured passengers & next of kin of 19 deceased passengers. 25 injured passengers and next of kin of 18 deceased passengers have engaged a UAE based law firm to represent them directly before reinsurers. 18 injured passengers in this category have engaged a US-based law firm to directly represent them before reinsurers.

(e) The commercial operations of wide bodied aircraft (Code E) from Kozhikode airport are temporarily suspended due to Air India Express aircraft accident at the airport on 07.08.2020 and the prevailing adverse weather conditions. A team from Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had visited the Kozhikode airport to review the wide body aircraft operations at the airport. In its report, the team made eight observations, which were forwarded to the airport operator. As per airport operator, permanent action has been taken on some observations. However, the operations of wide body aircraft from Kozhikode airport is subject to outcome of the Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau''s (AAIB) accident investigation report.

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