(a) whether IRDP is essentially a small loan scheme for generating self-employment among the families identified below poverty line;

(b) if so, the details of the beneficiaries during each of the last three years and till date, State-wise;

(c) whether the programme lifted the rural poor above the poverty line:

(d) if so, the details of progress made so far, State-wise;

(e) whether the programme is continuously being downsized;

(f) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken to strengthen it; and
(g) if not, the allocation made thereunder during the above period, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The basic objective of the IRDP was to provide assistance to the rural poor, through a mix of Government Subsidy and Bank Credit, to acquire income-generating assets. From 1-4-1999, the IRDP and its allied Programmes, have been merged to constitute the present self-employment programme, the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY).

(b) State-wise information on number of families assisted under the IRDP during 1998-99 and swarozgaris assisted under the SGSY during 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 is at Annexure.

(c) & (d) Reliable estimates of percentage of people lifted above the poverty line during the said period are not available.

(e) & (f) The central allocation under the SGSY has been reduced during the year 2000-2001 as compared to 1999-2000. The implementation of the SGSY is process oriented and it takes about a year`s time from the formation of the Group till it becomes eligible for assistance for economic activity. The steps initiated towards proper implementation of the SGSY include the following: -

(i) Training and sensitization of the State/DRDA and field level functionaries as well as Bank officials.

(ii) Regular consultations with the Reserve Bank of India, NABARD and Commercial Banks in regard to Credit facilities.

(iii) Participation of the States/UTs in National and International Trade Fairs to promote marketing of SGSY products.

(iv) Permission in respect of expenditure upto 40% during 1999-2000 & 2000-2001 for infrastructure development.

(v) Involvement of NGOs in the development of Self- Help Groups (SHGs).

(vi) Monitoring of the Programme through Monthly, Half-yearly and Annual Progress Reports.

(vii) Review of the Programme (at the State level) by the concerned State Level Coordination Committee.

(viii) Constitution of Vigilance and Monitoring Committees at the State, District and Block levels to monitor the implementation of the Programme (Local MPs and MLAs are Members of the District and Block level Committees).

(g) State-wise allocation under the IRDP during 1998-99 and under the SGSY during 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 is annexed.


Statement is referred to in part (b) & (g)of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4524 due for reply on 17.4.2001.

Total Allocation and No. of Families Assisted under erstwhile IRDP and SGSY from 1998-99 to 2000-2001.

(Rs. in Lakh)
Sl. STATES /U.T. 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 Total No.of Total No.of Total No. of Alloc Families Alloc Swar Alloc Swarozgaris Assisted Assisted Assisted
1 Andhra Pradesh 7734.30 140880 8292.73 165190 7070.71 58774 2 Arunachal Pra 403.82 12432 182.32 3060 369.21 630 3 Assam 10492.72 47264 4737.45 17974 9593.57 9996 4 Bihar 25336.66 176213 27166.08 106393 16822.35 109386 5 Chattisgarh@ 0 3734.51 15262 6 Goa 17.82 895 79.71 0 66.67 16 7 Gujarat 2911.34 39598 3121.53 19341 2661.53 20644 8 Haryana 1712.78 16743 1836.48 17348 1565.83 15000 9 Himachal Pra 721.32 7331 773.41 8638 659.56 9540 10 J & Kashmir 892.74 13992 957.20 5835 816.13 3726 11 Jharkhand@ 6340.44 30113 12 Karnataka 5840.48 88007 6262.20 19184 5339.37 19280 13 Kerala 2620.60 39836 2809.83 29485 2395.76 20597 14 Madhya Pradesh 12842.50 126617 13769.77 112118 8006.11 37260 15 Maharashtra 11545.22 145667 12378.81 87994 10554.64 36668 16 Manipur 703.42 1638 317.59 NR 643.15 0 17 Meghalaya 788.10 4219 355.83 741 720.56 789 18 Mizoram 182.36 3138 82.33 0 166.75 728 19 Nagaland 540.60 5773 244.08 4749 494.27 1376 20 Orissa 8846.44 105008 9485.20 74633 8087.41 52200 21 Punjab 832.40 10357 892.51 1694 760.97 8465 22 Rajasthan 4434.88 62922 4755.12 34120 4054.36 33425 23 Sikkim 201.90 1937 91.17 686 184.60 1281 24 Tamil Nadu 6838.82 142813 7332.59 65427 6252.04 40819 25 Tripura 1270.06 18816 573.44 8450 1161.23 3081 26 Uttar Pradesh 27883.22 391832 29896.51 60647 24218.13 75230 27 Uttaranchal@ 1272.60 69 28 West Bengal 9831.06 71134 10540.91 88826 8987.55 14166 29 A&N Islands 69.58 604 59.78 795 50.00 428 30 Daman & Diu 41.53 119 59.78 NR 50.00 0 31 D & N Haveli 27.43 71 59.78 6 50.00 0 32 Lakshadweep 6.85 9 59.78 3 50.00 20 33 Pondicherry 56.83 1317 59.78 531 50.00 34 TOTAL 145627.78 1677182 147233.70 933868 133250.00 619003
N. R. = Not Reported. SGSY Scheme came into operation w.e.f.1.4.99. @ - These States came into existence during 2000-2001