Question : Status of Housing for All

(a) whether the Government has set any target to provide ‘Housing for All’ by the year 2022 and if so, the targets set by the Government to provide houses, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government has set a target to construct two crore houses during the next three years for the purpose;

(c) if so, the strategic initiatives being taken by the Government to achieve the set target; and

(d) whether Bihar State is likely to be given priority as it has largest population of homeless people and they are unable to construct their houses due to their lower per capita income than the national average and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a),(b) & (d):In pursuance of the Government’s vision of “Housing for All” by 2022, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) is implementing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) [PMAY(U)] since 25.06.2015 for providing assistance to States/Union Territories(UTs), including the state of Bihar, for addressing the housing requirement in urban areas. The scheme comprises the following four verticals:

S. No. Vertical Central Assistance per house
1. In-situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) Rs. 1.00 lakh
2. Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) Interest subsidy of 6.5%, 4% and 3%
on housing loan amounts upto Rs. 6
lakh, Rs. 9 lakh and Rs. 12 lakh for
beneficiaries belonging to Economical
Weaker Section (EWS)/Lower Income Group
(LIG), Middle Income Group-I (MIG-I) and
MIG-II categories respectively

3. Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) Rs. 1.50 lakh
4. Beneficiary-led individual house Rs. 1.50 lakh
construction/ enhancements (BLC)

Central Assistance under PMAY(U) for different verticals is fixed for all States/UTs not withstanding topographical/geographical differences across the country.
States/Union Territories (UTs) have undertaken demand survey under the scheme for assessing actual demand of housing. The validated demand reported by States/UTs so far is around 112 lakhs.Based on the project proposals received so far from the States/UTs, total 93,00,949 houses have been sanctioned under the Scheme; out of this 55,40,801 are at various stages of construction and 28,06,465 are completed/delivered.

(c) In order to achieve the vision of “Housing for All” by 2022, following steps have been taken by MoHUA for effective implementation of the scheme :

i. States/UTs have been requested to get the project proposals for all their remaining demand of houses sanctioned by March, 2020 so that construction of all houses may progressively be completed by 2022.

ii. States/UTs have also been requested to expedite the grounding/completion of already sanctioned projects/houses.

iii. Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary, MoHUA meets every month to sanction Central Assistance for new projects and reviews the progress of the Mission

iv. To ensure availability of funds, in addition to budgetary resources, National Urban Housing Fund (NUHF) for Rs 60,000 crore has been created for raising Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) in phases for rapid implementation of PMAY(U).

v. Ministry monitors progress of the Mission through periodic review meetings, video-conferences and field visits.

vi. Alternative and innovative technologies have been identified from across the globe through a challenge process under Global Housing Technology Challenge- India (GHTC-India) for ensuring rapid delivery of houses.
vii. State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (SLSMC) under chairmanship of Chief Secretary of the concerned State/UT reviews the progress of implementation of the Mission at the State level.


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