Question : Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana

(a)the date of implementation and norms laid down under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana (PMSYM) along with the number of people currently enrolled in the scheme till date, State-wise including Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Osmanabad Parliamentary Constituency;
(b)the funds allocated, sanctioned and utilised under the scheme in the country, State-wise including Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Osmanabad Parliamentary Constituency;
(c)the details of the numbers of unorganised labourers included under the scheme in Rajasthan till date along with the targets fixed and achieved till date in the country;
(d)whether the Government proposes to increase the contribution made under PMSYM and to increase the amount of pension to be paid to them after attaining 60 years of age and if so, the details thereof along with the details of the institutions who are responsible to implement and manage the fund allocated to PMSYM particularly Osmanabad, Nagpur and Ramtek Parliamentary Constituency; and
(e)whether the Government has made any provisions for life partner/families under this scheme and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana (PMSYM) came into force on the 15th day of February, 2019. The State-wise details of people enrolled as on 17.07.2022 under the scheme is at Annexure A. The constituency wise data is not maintained under the scheme. However, as on 17.07.2022, a total of 14051 beneficiaries have been enrolled from Osmanabad district.
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(b): The details of funds allocated and utilized under the scheme during last three years are as under;
(Rs. in crore)
Year Fund allocated Expenditure
2019-20 408.00 359.95
2020-21 330.00 319.71
2021-22 350.00 324.23

The funds were released during 2019-20 to the State/UT Governments for information, education and communication (IEC) activities under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) Scheme. The details of funds allocated are at Annexure B.

(c): As on 17.07.2022, more than 48.28 lakh beneficiaries have been enrolled across the country including 3,09,523 beneficiaries in State of Rajasthan.

(d): No Sir, there is no proposal to increase the contribution made under PMSYM and to increase the amount of pension to be paid to beneficiaries after attaining 60 years of age. The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the designated fund Manager and is responsible for pension pay out.

(e): During the receipt of pension, if an eligible subscriber dies, his/her spouse shall only be entitled to receive fifty per cent of the pension received by such eligible subscriber as family pension. Further, if an eligible subscriber has given regular contribution and died due to any cause, his spouse shall be entitled to continue with the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution as applicable or to exit by receiving the share of contribution paid by such subscriber along with accumulated interest, as actually earned thereon by the Pension Fund or at the saving bank interest rate thereon whichever is higher. If an eligible subscriber has given regular contribution and becomes permanently disabled due to any cause before attaining the age of sixty years, and is unable to continue to contribute under this scheme, his spouse shall be entitled to continue with the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution as applicable or to exit the scheme by receiving the share of contribution deposited by such subscriber, with interest as actually earned thereon by the Pension Fund or the interest at the saving bank interest rate thereon, whichever is higher.

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