(a) whether any representation/suggestion has been received with regard to violation of personal rights/rights to privacy by issuance of Multi-Purpose National Identity Cards (MNIC);

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the details of the security measures envisaged against the misuse of personal data collected to issue these cards and against `corrupting` the information data?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b): No, madam. There is no proposal to issue Multi-purpose National Identity Card (MNIC) at present. However, proposals for issuance of Resident Identity [smart] Cards (RICs) to all usual residents in the country who are of age 18 years and above, under the scheme of creation of National Population Register(NPR) in the country has been appraised by the Expenditure Finance Committee and recommended. The Union Cabinet has considered this proposal on 31.01.2013 and has directed that the proposal may, in the first instance, be considered by a Group of Ministers (GoM). The GoM has since been constituted and two meetings have since been held. No such representation/ suggestion have been received with regard to violation of personal rights/ rights to privacy.

(c): Adequate security and safety measures have been taken against the misuse and corrupting the personal data collected for issuance of these cards. A number of processes have been put in place to ensure that the data collected is not accessed in an unauthorized manner. These include encryption of data at source immediately on completion of biometric enrolment, transfer of data to the datacentre in an encrypted and zipped tamper proof format, putting standard security infrastructure such as virtual providers, firewalls and intrusion

prevention system in place and limiting physical access of data to authorized personnel only. Guidelines relating to data protection and security have been issued to Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) and Department of Information and Technology (DIT) who are engaged for digitization and collection of biometrics of all residents.

As far as RICs are concerned, the security measures envisage sourcing of Chip modules from the Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM), incorporating physical security features like Guilloche Pattern, Micro Text, Hologram, Unique serial number, Secure transport etc., and electronic security features through the Key Management System. Card personalization centres have been established within the premises of three CPSUs in a high security zone with monitoring by CCTV surveillance, access control etc. Delivery of RICs has been envisaged through a secured trackable separate protocol of Department of Posts.