(a) whether at the time of bifurcation, Andhra Pradesh inherited substantial revenue deficit and the estimated resource gap was calculated at around Rs. 16,000 crore and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the amount of the estimated resource gap disbursed till date and if so the details thereof;
(c) whether the disbursed amount was lesser than the estimated and if so, the reasons for the same;
(d) whether according to Fourteenth Finance Commission (14th FC), Andhra Pradesh will be the only major State to remain in deficit even in 2022 and if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether the revenue deficit calculated for 2015-16 for Andhra Pradesh by 14th FC comes to around 7700 crore and if so, the details thereof and the justification of the Union Government in this regard; and
(f) the percentage of resource gap has already been sanctioned to the State and the reasons for delay in sanctioning the balance amount?