Question : Vacant Reserved Posts in Central Universities

(a) the number of permanent posts of teaching and non-teaching staff reserved for Scheduled Castes
(SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in Central Universities and the
number of backlog posts out of the above posts;
(b) whether it is a fact that a number of teaching and non-teaching staff are working as temporary
staff in Central Universities due to which the reserved categories are not getting any benefit and if
so, the number of temporary teaching and non-teaching staff working in Central Universities,
University-wise; and
(c) the time by which permanent appointments would be made against the posts reserved for SC, ST
and OBC categories in Central Universities?

Answer given by the minister



(a) A statement indicating the sanctioned, existing and vacant positions including backlog reserved
vacancies of teaching and non-teaching staff (category-wise) in 40 Central Universities (CUs)
under the purview of this Ministry are enclosed at Annexure-I & Annexure-II respectively.

(b) In order to address faculty shortages and to ensure that studies of students are not affected, the
CUs are adopting different methods/processes of engaging ad-hoc faculty, Guest Faculty, Contract
Faculty and Re-employed. As the ad-hoc teachers engaged by the CUs do not enjoy permanent
status, there is no question of depriving the benefit to the reserved categories. As per the
information of the University Grants Commission (UGC), there are 2758 ad-hoc/Guest/Contract/Reemployed
faculties employed in various CUs as on 01.04.2017 and their University-wise details as on
1.4.2017 are annexed at Annexure-III. For non-teaching positions, data on employees on temporary
basis is not centrally maintained by UGC.

(c) Vacancies in CUs at various levels are caused by dynamic process attributed, inter-alia, to
retirements, resignations, deaths, deputations, expansion and opening of new institutions and filling
up them is an ongoing and continuous process. Hence, no time limit can be indicated in this regard.
It is pertinent to mention here that the onus of filling up of posts, lies in the CUs which are
autonomous bodies created under the respective Acts of Parliament. However, Ministry of Human
Resource Development (MHRD) and UGC have issued repeated instructions to all the CUs to fill up
the vacancies, including the reserved ones, on priority basis.

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