Question : Betterment of Health Services

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether various countries have signed agreements with India for the betterment of health services;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the details of the priorities fixed for betterment of health services;

(d) whether any special efforts have been made by the Government to provide health services at affordable rates in backward areas especially in Bundelkhand; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes. The list of countries with whom the Ministry had signed Agreements/ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) / Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on mutual cooperation in health sector is at Annexure.
(c): The bilateral MoUs / MoCs / Agreements primarily aim to promote and develop joint initiatives in human resource development, mutual exchange of health professionals, cooperation in the field of pharmaceuticals and foods regulatory practices, technical support in establishing laboratories/ hospitals and research in mutually identified areas. It provides opportunities for sharing and emulating best practices and learning from each other on issues of public health related challenges.
(d) & (e): Public Health and Hospital being a State Subject, the primary responsibility of provision of health services at affordable rates all over the country including in backward area lies with respective State Governments.

To address the healthcare challenges, National Health Mission (NHM) supplements the efforts of the State/UT governments to provide accessible, affordable and quality healthcare to all those who access public health facilities especially in rural areas.

NHM support is provided to States/ UTs for setting up of new facilities as per norms and upgradation of existing facilities for bridging the infrastructure gaps and to fill up the vacancies of Human Resource on contractual basis based on the requirement posed by them.

As per the budget announcement 2017-18, 1.5 lakh Health Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres are to be transformed into Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) across the country by December, 2022 under Ayushman Bharat for provision of comprehensive primary care that includes preventive healthcare and health promotion at the community level with continuum of care approach for all. Services at AB-HWCs are free and universal to all individuals residing in the service area.

The AB-HWCs will provide an expanded range of services to include care for non - communicable diseases, palliative and rehabilitative care, Oral, Eye and ENT care, mental health and first level care for emergencies and trauma as well as Health promotion and wellness activities like Yoga apart from services already being provided for Maternal and Child Health including immunization and communicable diseases.

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