Question : Rehabilitation of Tamils

Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the assistance extended to Sri Lanka during the last two years for rehabilitation of Tamils;
(b) whether the visits of the External Affairs Minister are aimed to bring in socio-economic-political betterment of Tamil people in Sri Lanka;
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the priority sectors earmarked while strengthening the India’s relations with Sri Lanka?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) India and Sri Lanka have regular high-level exchanges and visits to strengthen bilateral relations and address issues of priority, including rehabilitation and socio-economic-political betterment of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. In consultation with the Government of Sri Lanka, India is engaged in implementation of developmental assistance projects. The Housing Project, with an overall commitment of over INR 1372 crore in grants, is for construction of 50,000 housing units, including 46,000 housing units for IDPs in the Northern and Eastern provinces. Other completed or ongoing projects include rehabilitation of the Northern Railway lines, wreck-removal and rehabilitation of the KKS Harbour, establishment of Vocational Training Centres in the Northern and Eastern provinces, construction of a Cultural Centre at Jaffna, setting up a 500 MW coal power plant at Sampur, restoration of Thiruketheeswaram Temple, establishing faculties for Agriculture and Engineering in the Northern Province, expanding the scholarship program for Sri Lankan students to pursue their higher studies in India, setting up Centres for English Language Training and providing technical assistance for the National Action Plan for a Trilingual Sri Lanka, providing financial assistance to 1230 small business premises in Mullaithivu and Kilinochchi in the Northern Province, construction of a 200 bed ward complex at the District Hospital, Vavuniya in the Northern Province, and a vocational training centre for war widows in Batticaloa in the Eastern Province.

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