(a)&(b): Yes Sir. As per the Annual Plan 2012-13, against the total
requirement of coking coal during 2010-11 at 43.90 million tonnes (Prov.) ,
the indigenous supply was 15.90 million tonnes (Prov.) only.
The production of coking coal during last three years and current year
in the country is given below:-
(in million tonnes)
Year Coking Coal Production
2008-09 16.58
2009-10 16.45
2010-11 15.90
2011-12(BE) 17.23
The main reason for shortage of coking coal is inter-alia, inadequate
availability of resources.
(c): The details of coal imported and exported (quantity & value)
during last three years and current year upto July 2011, country-wise,
year-wise is given in Annuxure-I & II.
(d) & (e): AT present there is no such proposal before the Government.
(f): The Government has taken steps to expedite Environment & Forestry
clearances, pursue with Ministry of Railways for enhancing availability of
rail rakes and approach State Government for necessary assistance in land
acquisition and in problems relating to law and order. In addition, a series
of steps have been taken by Coal India Ltd. and its subsidiaries for augmenting
coal production which include (i) increasing the efficiency of the equipments,
regular monitoring, mechanization as programmed and strict supervision of the
existing mines and ongoing projects (ii) Capacity addition particularly for
coking coal from new and future projects (iii) Consistent efforts for resolving
issues of environmental & forestry clearances, land acquisition and law and
order problems.