Question : Shortage of Atomic Fuel

(a) whether there is a shortage of fuel for Atomic/Nuclear power plants in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) the time by which the country is likely to become self-dependent in the field of atomic fuel;

(d) whether the Government has signed any MoU with foreign countries for the import of Uranium and Nuclear Fuel in any form; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the quantity of Uranium imported from various countries and expenditure incurred thereon during each of the last three years and the current year, country-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b) No, Sir. The Government has provided fuel from both indigenous and imported sources in required quantities for operation of nuclear power reactors at their rated power.

(c) As per the vision plan prepared, in order to fulfil the requirement of Uranium to fuel nuclear power plants, Department of Atomic Energy will achieve nearly ten-fold rise in uranium production in next 15 years (by 2031-2032). The uranium mining projects have been planned in three phases. On completion of the projects in first phase, it is expected to produce 3.5 times of existing uranium production by the 12th year. On completion of the projects in second phase, uranium production is expected to achieve seven times of existing production. With the completion of phase three projects uranium production of the country is expected to record ten-fold increase by 2031-32.

(d) Yes Sir.

(e) Consequent upon the Civil Nuclear cooperation, DAE has been importing Uranium to meet the fuel requirements of IAEA Safeguarded Nuclear Power Plants. The quantity of uranium imported from various countries and expenditures incurred thereon during the last three years and the current year, country-wise and year-wise are mentioned below:

M/s JSC NAC Kazatomprom, M/s Cameco Canada M/s. JSC TVEL Corporation
Kazakhstan (Uranium Ore Concentrate) Russia(Natural Uranium
(Uranium Ore Concentrate) Oxide Pellets)
Year Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost
(MT) ( crores) (MT) ( crores) (MT) ( crores)
2014-15 283.419 216.93 Nil Nil 296.548 541.55
2015-16 Nil Nil 250.743 158.28 303.787 565.17
42.150* 303.64
2016-17 999.807 590.01 1233.681 543.51 187.334 395.29
(up to
28-12-17) 923.856 332.52 989.452 373.82 Nil Nil

*One-time import of Enriched Uranium Oxide Pellets.


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