Question : Environmental-Forest Clearance for Major Projects

(a) whether a number of major projects including those of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation for grant of environmental/forest clearances are pending with the Government;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor including the present status of each of the project, sector and State-wise;
(c) the number of proposals/projects seeking environmental/forest clearances received online through the web portal and the details of such projects/proposals cleared so far in respect of Government and Non-GovernmentalOrganisations since the introduction of online submission of proposals/projects for environmental/forest clearances; and
(d) the steps taken by the Government to clear all the pending projects expeditiously?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Parts (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 19 for reply on 21st July, 2015 regarding “Environmental/Forest Clearance for Major Projects” raised by ShriChandra Prakash Joshi and Shri P.P. Chaudhary.

( a) & ( b) The offshore and on-shore oil and gas exploration, development & production activity listed at item no. 1(b) in the Schedule of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Notification 2006 requires prior Environmental Clearance (EC). While granting EC,4 stage processes namely Screening, Scoping, Public Consultation and Appraisal of project are involved.

Total 24 Ecs have been granted to Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) since May 2014 till 17.07.2015. Presently, 08 projects of ONGC are under appraisal for EC. Out of these,03projectshave been recommended by the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) but are withheld for want of Stage-1 Forest Clearance. Besides,one project is under consideration for Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Clearance. Status of cases granted with EC and pending for ECin respect of ONGC isAnnexed.

(c) & (d) Since inception of online system from 1stJuly 2014, a total of 711 proposals for EC have been accepted, which are at various stages of appraisal/approvals.Out of which,213ECshave been granted as on 17.07.2015.

As regard Forest Clearance, total 1,630 proposals under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 have been accepted by the State/UT Administration since 15thJuly 2014. Out of these, 233 proposals have been accorded ‘in-principle’ approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

Apart from online system, Government has taken various steps for speedy environmental clearance of projects. Among these, Terms of References at scoping stage have been standardized to facilitate timely collection of environment monitoring data and preparation of Impact Assessment Reports. Validity of environment clearance has also been extended from 5 to 7 years to allow uninterrupted project activities. Declaring Eco-sensitive Zone for the protected areas.

Similarly, for expeditingthe process of Forest Clearance,several steps have been taken such as (i) operationalisation of GIS based decision support system; (ii) delegation of power to Regional empowered Committee to dispose off linear proposals, General approval under F (C) Act, 1980 for linear diversion within 100 km of areal distance from Line of Actual Control (iii) Notification of Forest ( Conservation ) 2nd Amendment Rules 2014.


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