(a) whether the Supreme Court has issued directions regarding admissibility of Public
Interest Litigations; and
(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto?
(a) whether the Supreme Court has issued directions regarding admissibility of Public
Interest Litigations; and
(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto?
(a) & (b) : The Hon`ble Supreme Court of India has, from time to time, drawn up certain guidelines
to check the misuse of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) by unscrupulous elements. In one of its
judgments, it has, inter-alia, condemned the misuses of PILs by third parties with vested interests
and asked High Courts to be very` circumspect in entertaining them. Expressing concern over the
large number of PILs choking the judicial system, the Court observed that real and genuine public
interest must be involved in the litigation. It can not be invoked by a person or bodies to further
his or their persona] or political cause or satisfy his or their personal grudge and enmity. The
matter of entertaining PIL and issuing guidelines and directions is within the domain of the Court
in which it is filed.