Question : Toll Collection in Tamil Nadu

(a) whether the revenue generated through each of the Toll Gates in Tamil Nadu has increased in the last two years;

(b) if so, the details thereof, toll gate-wise and operator-wise;

(c) the total revenue generated in the last five years through toll collection in various National Highways in Tamil Nadu; and

(d) whether the Government has fixed any time limit for the termination of toll gates in Tamil Nadu and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) &(b) Yes, Madam. The details of the increase/decrease of toll collected at various toll plazas during the last two years are annexed.

(c) The total toll collected during the last five on various National Highways including PPP projects in Tamil Nadu is Rs. 9842.30 crore.

(d) The toll is collated on National Highways on the basis of the toll policy as per the Gazette Notification GSR 15(E) dated 12.01.2011. The fee as notified as per Concession Agreement shall be leviable till the end of the concession period and after the Concession Agreement is over, the fee shall be collected by the Central Government executing authority at a reduced rate of 40% of the fee on the date of transfer of such section of National Highways, bridge, tunnel or bypass, as the case may be, to be revised annually in accordance with these rules. Provided that after the recovery of capital cost through user fee realized in respect of a public funded project, the fee leviable would be reduced to 40% of the user fee for such section of national highways, bridge, tunnel or bypass as the case may be revised annually in accordance with these rules.

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