Question : Pollution Emanated from Thermal Power Plants

(a) whether thermal power plants across the country are polluting the air in the respective cities and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government has conducted any study to assess the pollution emanating from coal based power plants in the country;
(c) if so, the details thereof along with the losses of life and property due to the pollution during last two years;
(d) whether those polluting power plants are not complying with the prescribed guidelines of the Government and if so, the details thereof and since when these plans are not having pollution control equipment;
(e) whether these power plants have been penalized for causing pollution and if so, the details thereof; and
(f) the effective steps taken by the Government to check the pollution emanated from coal based power plants?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The coal based thermal power plants are identified as one the 17 highly polluting industries. There are 182 coal based thermal power plants (independent power producers) of which 32 plants are located near cities. The list of thermal power plants is given at Annexure I.

(b)&(c) No specific study on pollution load assessment from coal based power plants has been conducted by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. However, based on about 665 million tonnes annual coal consumption during 2017-18, it is estimated that about 0.43, 6.32 and 2.78 million tonnes of particulate matter, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) respectively were emitted into atmosphere from coal based power plants. There is no data available about loss of life and property due to pollution from coal based power plants. However, pollution due to coal based power plants could be triggering factor for respiratory ailments and associated diseases.

(d)&(e) The compliance monitoring is carried out by the respective State Pollution Control Boards. Surprise inspection of 38 thermal power plants in various states based on analysis of data of Online Emission Monitoring System has been done. Among these, 23 plants were initially found violating the emission norms. The directions under section 5 of E(P) Act, 1986 were issued to these 23 plants (Annexure-II). Out of these 23 plants, 15 plants have subsequently complied the environmental norms.

(f) To check the pollution emanating from coal based power plants, Government has notified new emission limits for SO2 and NOx and revised limits for particulate mattervide notification S.O. 3305 (E) dated 07.12.2015. It has also made use of beneficiated coal mandatory in thermal power plants located 500-1000 km from coal mine/urban area /critically polluted area vide notification G.S.R. 04 (E) dated 02.01.2014.


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