Question : Reservation policies in Indian Institutes of Technology

(a) whether a Committee constituted to suggest measures for effective implementation of reservation policies in Indian Institute of Technology has recommended that these institutions be exempted from following the policies in faculty recruitment;

(b) if so the details thereof;

(c) whether it is also true that the said recommendations were under the examination of the Government; and

(d) if so the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) : The Ministry of Education vide letter dated 18-11-2019 requested all IITs to comply with the provisions of Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Teachers’ Cadre) Act, 2019. In order to suggest measures for effective implementation of this Act, a Committee was constituted on 23.04.2020 under the chairmanship of Director, IIT, Delhi. The Committee submitted its report on 17.06.2020, which was circulated to all concerned Ministries and their comments have been received. No decision has been taken on the recommendations of the Committee yet.


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