Question : Security to VIP

(a) the criteria adopted by the Government to provide security/protection to VIPs in this country;

(b) whether the Government has received requests from various VIPs regarding police protection to them;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the total number of such requests received along with the action taken in this regard during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(d) whether the Government has revised the guidelines for protection of VVIPs/ VIPs in the country and if so, the details
thereof; and

(e) the number of VIPs provided security and those from whom it has been withdrawn during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The main criterion for providing security to VIPs is the threat perception emanating from terrorists/militant/fundamentalist outfits and organized criminal gangs or public office held by them.
LS USQ No. 1531 for 26.07.2016
(b) & (c): Yes Madam, the Government has received a large number of requests from individuals, including public office holders and other dignitaries, for security cover for themselves or for other individuals. However, such requests are not separately collated from other receipts and therefore statistical information in this regard such as numbers received, State-wise, Year-wise break-up etc. is not maintained.
All such requests were examined in consultation with the Central security agencies, who carried out an assessment of threat and gave their recommendations. Based on the same, decisions were taken to provide Central security or request the State Government concerned to take necessary action.

(d): Revision of the guidelines is an ongoing process which is based on the experience gained and inputs/feed back received in this regard.

LS USQ No. 1531 for 26.07.2016
(e): Assessment of threat is a dynamic and continuous exercise. However, as on 21.07.2016 the number of threat-based protectees in the Central List is as under :
Category No. of Protectees
Z+ 31
Z 69
Y 136
X 56
Total 292


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