Question : Spectrum Allocation

(a) whether the Government has decided to increase validity of spectrum allotments to Telecom Service Providers and if so, the detail thereof;

(b) the details of the advantages of this decision for the sector and the country; and

(c) whether this is at par with international standards and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Government has decided that in future auctions, access spectrum will be assigned for a period of 30 years. However, there will be no change in the tenure for spectrum acquired in past auctions.

(b) & (c) Increasing the tenure of right to use spectrum purchased through auction enables the Telecom Services Providers for better planning and reduces uncertainty in business environment.

Licence tenures for right to use spectrum varies from country to country. Some countries, while ensuring a minimum initial term- say of 20 years, grant indefinite terms as an ongoing right to provide certainty to new network investment.

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