Question : National Widow Commission

(a) whether the Government proposes to establish a widow commission in India on National/State level;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether any proposal/suggestion has been received from any Non- Governmental Organisation (NGO) or State Government in this regard; and
(d) the other steps taken/to be taken by the Government for the improvement of widow''s in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a to c) No proposal has been received from any of the NGO of State government for establishment of Widow Commission.
(d) A Scheme Swadhar was launched by the Ministry of Women & Child Development in 2001-2002 for rehabilitation of women in difficult circumstances. The Scheme is being implemented through Social Welfare/ Women and Child Welfare Department of State government. Women’s Development Corporations, Urban Local Bodies, reputed Public/Private Trust or Voluntary Organisations, The Short Stay Home scheme which is similar in nature as Swadhar scheme in being implemented through Central Social Welfare Board since 1969. Now, the Scheme Swadhar and Short Stay Homes have been merged and revised as “Swadhar Greh” Scheme. The revised financial norms are effective from 1.1.2016.

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